Ultra-Slim grip panels for 1911


New member
I'm about to order some of these (the Chip McCormick ones) for an Officer's ACP sized pistol. Has anyone else installed these? I know they use different bushings. Any difficulty or is it "a little Loc-tite and done" kind of thing?

Does anyone know of a cheaper source than Cheaper than Dirt ($42.28)? Thanks in advance for the info.


New member
I ordered a pair and love them, the new bushings were a breeze to put in.... now getting the old bushings out was a diffrent story.

Like I said I love them, but a few other people who tried my gun hated them, I highly sugest you try out someone elses before you buy. Long time 1911 shooters may not like the lack of grip on the sides, with thin grips you end up holding the front and back straps more then the sides. The bigger your hands the worse it will bug someone it seems. I bought mine after tring out someone elses who had smaller hands like mine.

Got mine from brownells, was around $40.


New member
I just put some thin grips on my Colt Defender this week. The new bushings and grips went on without any trouble, but taking the original bushings off was a pain. I used the correct size screwdriver but ended up having to use my Dremel tool to deepen the notches. Will need new bushings if I want to go back to standard grips. By the way, the thin grips really do make a difference in the feel of the gun, and if you'll be carrying concealed or just have smaller hands I do recommend them.



New member
My Springfield Ultra Compact came with them from the factory... it now has a set of original thickness grips... I hated the flat as a board feel with the thin grips... so traded them off for a "normal" set.

You'll also need shorter screws... I put mine on my Mustang Pocket lite, cause it needed a set of stainless Torx head screws... really! :D



New member
Funny, I went there, and none of the grips mentioned being slim or now, how do you know which are the slim ones?


New member
I put a set on my Kimber Compact CDP. It definitely has a different feel but I like it better that way. While my hands aren't small, they aren't very big either. So I guess the reduced circumference fits my hand better.

Futo Inu

New member
Hmm, never heard of anyone called "Cheaper Than Cheaper Than Dirt", or "Cheaper Than Mojave Sand". ;) I'm of no help, I realize, but chimed in anyways - sorry. :) Seriously, I think the thin grips might be better for my smallish hands come to think of it. Let us know if'n u like them.


Moderator Emeritus
Other slim grips...

Navidrex makes slim contoured CCW grips that swell just enough around the grip screws to allow the use of factory mounting hardware.


New member
I have slim grips on all my 1911s.

The only problem I had was the screws extended into the mag well preventing the mag from dropping free, despite the fact that the screws and bushing were those intended for use with slim grips. However, this was easily corrected by shortening the screws further with a file. I buy directly from Smith and Alexander and Chip McCormick as both offer excellent service.


New member
Based on the rave reviews I read on this thread, I ordered a set and installed them today on my Kimber Compact SS. Installation was a breeze, and the old bushing came right out. These feel great in my hand! I have smaller-than-average size hands so I think the Slim Carry are probably perfect for me. As an added bonus, they really improve the aesthetics. My average-looking Kimber now has the look of a high-end custom gun.

BTW, the more I handle my 1911, the more I dislike the grip on my much-beloved Glock 23.


New member
I have two sets of Carbon Creations "slims" on an officer's and Govt.- really love that slender look & feel.

I DO NOT advocate using Loc-tite to mount the grips. The grip panels should be removed for thorough cleaning.
If you use the blue loctite, removal is not a problem. The blue is designed to hold screws in place and keep them from turning, but is not a permanent bond like the red is supposed to be.


New member
My new STI came with ultra-thin double diamond rosewood grips. I think I'm probably going to put thicker grips on, as these feel too small to me.


New member
Python, please feel free to browse my offering at the link in my sig file. Hopefully, you'll find what you're looking for.
