ultimate in unsafe gun handling


New member
WOW, that is really stupid and pretty sad
I thought this was gunna be another idiot waving a gun around on youtube


New member
I know, it's a sad state of affairs that the Army does not do more to teach weapons handling. Yes, they taught us how to shoot a little- but I've learned tons more about familiarity, shooting, and safe handling from relatives, hunters, and Marines. Wonder where their NCO's were?


New member
I have to wonder, is this indicative of an overall lack of training of our troops or an isolated incident? :eek:


New member
Oh geeez. Who was their sergeant and why the hell were they allowed to leave their weapons around with closed breeches? :mad: If I'd been their sergeant and found them screwing around like that, the corporal would lose his stripes and both would be shipped stateside for retraining.

Where were the other guys in the squad? How come no one told the sergeant about it? Screwing around with another man's rifle while in-theatre is a good way to get your behind kicked up between your shoulder blades. :mad:

There's no excuse for this at all.


New member
Wow, imagine what that must feel like....shooting a buddy (can't say that someone who loads your gun without your knowledge is really a buddy) and having reality smack you in the face like that.

It simply AMAZES me how many people feel the need to point an "empty" gun at somebody else and pull the trigger. I have never so much as pointed a gun at another person while in a "ready" position (it's hard to avoid muzzle sweeping at say, a gunshow when the gun is placed on the table already pointing at people), much less have I ever done so with the action closed and pulled the trigger!


New member
It simply AMAZES me how many people feel the need to point an "empty" gun at somebody else and pull the trigger. I have never so much as pointed a gun at another person
All I can say is " FOUR GENERAL SAFETY RULES" . The worst thing is it reflects poorly on the rest of the unit which is doing a great job.
I've had a "friend" point a 1911 at me and pull the trigger, it all happened so fast i just stood there. At first I thought it was a airsoft which is partly why I didn't move. When I found out what it really was I told him if he ever did that again I would call the police immediatly and "pursuade"** him that it was a very bad idea.

After restoring an old 305 chevy engine, I carried the camshaft around in my truck and called it my "persuasion"


New member
The kid that armed the others rifle with out him knowing was so stupid , I have nothing to say. The one that did the shooting was so stupid, again,,,,,,Nothing to say!

When I was say 13 a friends little brother down the road from me killed his friend with 7mm in about the same fashion. I have never pointed a weapon at anyone that did not ask for it. Mine was Armed and I knew it!!:confused:



New member
Yeah, I'm with you, only instead of my father teaching me, it was this forum. No one else in my family shoots.

If the gun is not being fired, it's action is open and the magazine removed. Even then there is no good reason to point it at anyone. I literally CAN NOT pick up one of the many guns I have in my house--that nobody touches besides me--and not inspect the chamber and magazine.

Sad thing is that this could have been a good lesson if the soldier who was shot put snap caps in instead. I'm sure the guy would have been so freaked out that he would stop his "game" forever. Now it's too late.
Who was their sergeant and why the hell were they allowed to leave their weapons around with closed breeches?

I think the M249 fires from an open bolt. The two rounds would not have been very obvious as I bet that's how many the top cover will conceal when closed.

Obviously there is no excuse for this kind of retarded roulette, though.


New member
Even I know not to point a seemingly (or even a confirmed unloaded gun for that matter) at anyone unless they're trying to harm me..... and I'm 15...


New member
make me wanna puke

Wow, that's unbelievable. I'm not going to bag on my sister service-there's good and bad in all.
This is way over the top-I can say that in my platoon, If I caught anyone treating a weapon without respect or a violation of any of the 4 (5 depending on who you talk to --know what's behind your target), I'd take their weapon from them and make them carry a broom stick marked "rifle" or "SAW" for a few days (not outside the wire, of course). That's a sure way to get the SgtMaj to ask them why they're carrying a stick instead of a weapon. I don't think I had to do it more than twice to get the message across.

Yes, the M249 is an open-bolt weapon. However, condition 4 with it is bolt forward on an empty chamber, feed cover closed and weapon on "fire"--it won't go on safe with the bolt forward unless you half-cock it, and we don't do that in the Marines-can't speak for the army, though. Same with the 240.

Semper Fi
Somewhere in Iraq


New member
holy maccaroni! guns and practical jokes are just a phenominally BAD idea...always...every single time! WOW! Just really sad. I nominate their "made you look" game as the worst, dumbest game EVER. Very very sad for the deceased's family, as it was SO senseless and completel avoidable,and so sad for the guy who shot him.I cant imagine how horrible he must feel.:(

The Canuck

New member
I want to say this.

I am sorry for the loss of a brave man who was serving his country in a highly respected unit (10 Mtn Div). I am also sorry for the loss of another brave man who through his actions has taken his comrade and friend's life, destroyed his reputation and stolen his freedom. I can only hope that there will be no more reports like this coming our way. A foolish thing to do, but a tragedy nonetheless. Our world needs more of these people, not less.


New member
you really dont know

Im not trying to say i condone or wanna start a fight or whatever, but these people obviously were real bored, and trusted each other. I've been to Iraq, I know the kind of stupid games that get played to pass the time and releive stress. Do i think what happened was smart, no. Do I think that the guy that loaded the rounds got what he deserved, absoulutly. These are men you trust with your life, if the idoit goes and loads live round in his buddies gun? where is the sense in that?

I dont agree with the broomstick thing, that must be a POGE base. Cuz i know where we were at, we didnt have the liberty to carry a broom stick instead of a weapon. Also way to cause undo stress with the young man/women that is already seperated from his family, deployed for an extended peroid of time, etc.

thats all i gotta say about that.


Jackass Time

Early on in boot camp at Parris Island, we were taught the penalty for 'Jackass Time' as our Senior Drill instructor liked to call it. He told us that the definition of a jackass was a person who behaved foolishly and there was no place in his Beloved Corps for such people. This edict applied especially to the venerable M16A2 service rifle and our relationship to it. I have not set foot on that island for over twenty years and I can still see his face, hear his voice, remember the painful lessons and, no kidding, recall the serial number of my boot camp rifle.

I also vividly recall what happened to the recruit who failed to make his rifle safe before he stood up from the prone position on the firing line during range week. I recall the hours spent over the years training with weapons all around and how seriously we took each moment of it. Check your weapon and then check it again. be aware of the men in your fire team, your squad, your platoon.

It is serious and the fact that the dead man was a Corporal makes me a little sick. An NCO engaged in Jackass Time with weapons? Jerking around with instruments of death? That's unacceptable.