UK over the edge- Regulate swords?

Full article-,6903,522035,00.html

Excerpt follows-

Last night Liberal Democrat MP Nigel Jones, who was attacked by a samurai swordsman last year, is to press Blunkett to introduce curbs on the weapons.

Jones and a local councillor, Andrew Pennington, were repeatedly slashed by in his constituency office in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Pennington died of his injuries and the MP needed hundreds of stitches. Their attacker is now in a secure mental hospital.

'Following this latest tragedy, the time has come to look at regulating these swords,' Jones said.

'I have learnt to my cost these weapons can kill. Anything we can do to stop people using them indiscriminately is worth considering.'

Next they'll want to regulate axehandle and tree branches because you can make clubs from them.

Where does it end?


David Scott

New member
Here's where it will end:

London Times
July 17th, 2018

Home Secretary Elway B. Fuddled announced today that, in order to combat the rising number of crimes in which innocent citizens have been punched or slapped, all Britons will be required to have their hands amputated within three months of this date. Amputations will be performed at hospitals for newborns.

Secretary Fuddled praised the measure as the herald of a crime-free area. "We got rid of the guns," he said, "we got rid of swords and knives, we cut down every tree in the Commonwealth to end the scourge of pointed sticks, and last year's foot amputations showed a dramatic decrease in arse-kickings. We are undoubtedly on the right road here, and just wait till you hear about our plans to deal with vulgar language and indecent exposure."


New member
These people are getting to be our best argument against gun control. We don't often hear the antis talk about gun laws in the UK any more.

I guess all we can do at this point is watch the Brits make their final descent into bureaucratic/totalitarian madness.

For the "Only the police and military . . ." types, from the same article (bold mine):

"Colleagues close to Blunkett say that he is increasingly concerned about the use of police marksmen where the person to be subdued does not appear to be a direct threat to the public.

One option being considered is an enhanced role for the Government's Less Lethal Technology group, which is liaising with police on finding new ways to stop situations like Thursday's spiralling out of control. "
That's FUNNY!!!

:D ROTFLMAO! It's really a shame what Britain has become. Well, they have no one to blame but themselves. If Hengist and Horsa could have looked into the future and seen what was to be they probably would have turned around and gone back to Jutland.


New member
Oh, please, Dave Scott. Your proposal clearly is the work of the irresponsible forearm lobby. What good is removing hands when you still can whack people with what's left over.

Close the forearm loophole now!


New member
On the positive side...

...the sooner they hit bottom the sooner they will rebound. I know that there is anti-british sentiment here, either from being a monarchy, a former empire, or being supportive of all this recent silliness (or all of the above), but the warriors of Agincourt, Trafalgar, Waterloo and Rorke's Drift are all from that tiny island- and 75 years of creeping socialism can't have stamped all of the valour out.

What those lads. Britain's a small place, but have you ever seen a map of the British Empire? ;)



New member
Texas Penal code Ch 46, sect 6 "Illegal Knife" means a:
A) knife with a blade over 5 1/2 inches long,
B) Hand instrument designed to cut or stab another by means of being thrown,
C) dagger, including but not limited to a dirk, stilettl, and poniard,
D) bowie knife,
E) sword,
F) spear.

Justin Moore

New member
Here's the formula for Britain:

1. only the criminals have guns
2. no more swords, edged weapons ;)
3. lets repeal the Magna Carta, and jury trials and double jeapordy. Tony Blair has allready called for this.
4. stir up the soccer hooligans with intentional provocatuers.

And what will Tony get for his time and effort=his own socialist Police State :rolleyes:


New member
Well, at least it's interesting to watch from a distance.

They had an empire but lost virtually all of it, as well as their military capability, in the last hundred years or so. Sadly, they lost many many good men in military action during that same period. IMHO, the ones that are left are not the equal of those who came before.

Last week, we had a thread about crossbows being illegal, now swords. How can you stop human predators from prospering if good men and women are denied the means to defend themselves?"

Molon Labe.


New member
We all know that the common peasants of the realm shall only be allowed to possess at best a knotty piece of wood. The sword is a tool for Lords, not peasants. I hereby propose that all peasants shall be beheaded for possession of any weaponry that is to be only permitted to those blessed by title of nobility.


New member
'I have learnt to my cost these weapons can kill. Anything we can do to stop people using them indiscriminately is worth considering.'

So if criminals start picking and choosing their victims, they'll stop making all these stupid laws? ;)


New member
I believe there are sword control laws in MA too. Oh, and you you can't have throwing stars or bunches of other cool stuff. It's all silly and I want to repeal it.


New member
Not surprised. I've seen a number of maniac-with-sword cases reported in England lately. Idiot legislators don't realize it's the WIELDER, not the WEAPON.

Japan tried this path. Eventually the only knife allowed in the village was chained to a big rock in the town square.


New member
Forget the Japanese, this isn't even the first time for the Brits! Do they not realize that they end up with an armed revolt every time they ban swords? Somebody needs to walk in and arrest parliament. He might get his head lopped off for doing it, but it'll stir things up. The place tends to descend into Chaos when you do that, but they're rapidly approaching the point where any change would be for the better.

Master Blaster

New member
Swords, Dirks, knives over 10" in length and throwing stars,
Ar 100% ILLEGAL destructive devices in Delaware, and their mere possession is a felony.

Yes that is right, you can own as many guns as you want, get a permit to carry a concealed gun, but swords are 100% illegal.

Must be because they are a favorite of crimminals:barf: :barf: :barf: