(UK) Man who killed burglar jailed (No, not Tony Martin....)


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Man who killed burglar jailed
(Filed: 17/10/2002)

A man who stabbed to death a burglar he found in his family's home has been jailed for five years.

Barry-Lee Hastings, 25, stabbed Roger Williams, 35, a total of 12 times after mistaking a crowbar in his hand for a machete. But Old Bailey Judge Brian Barker told Hastings that he had gone too far and his actions were not justified.

Hastings, of Wood Green, north London, was found guilty of manslaughter last month and remanded for reports. His family shouted "This country stinks" as he was led away and said later they would appeal.

They were backed by supporters of farmer Tony Martin who was jailed for shooting dead a burglar.

Judge Barker told Hastings he had repeatedly stabbed Mr Williams in the back, the majority of the attack taking place outside the house when the possibility of danger was over.

He said: "What you did could not possibly have been done while you were still under threat. You had gone into the attack and you were engaged in retaliation.

"Although Roger Williams was a burglar and had no right to be there, a householder is not entitled to use more than reasonable force to defend himself. His presence did not justify the actions you took.

"No one can fail to have sympathy for a householder or visitor who without warning found himself in the position you did when you reached the front door."


Like the fellow couldn't have done some serious damage with a crowbar?


New member
Judge Barker told Hastings he had repeatedly stabbed Mr Williams in the back, the majority of the attack taking place outside the house when the possibility of danger was over.
So there's no possibility of this guy with a crowbar taking a few swings at Hastings since they were OUTSIDE?

Was the crowbar longer than the breadknife? They usually are. Now if there was no more danger from Williams, just how was Hastings close enough to stab him...? :rolleyes: