Uh, you guys ever hear of these folks?


New member
They are called the "Pink Pistols". Someone posted a link to some photos from a 2000 rally for CCW rights in MN. Someone, who had a "Never Let Go of your Life Preserver" JPFO tee shirt, an NRA hat, and something to the effect of a poster saying something to the effect of (I don't exactly have the right wording):

Armed Queers Don't Get Killed


So I looked at the website, and I was shocked...literally shocked.

A community of people who have an "alternative sexuality" (gay, bi, all that) who actually believe in the second amendment and the right to keep and bear arms? Who get CCW permits? Who go to a firing range? :eek: :eek: :eek:

You know, I'm going to admit that I've never thought of male homosexuals of the type to actually do these kinds of things, but then I thought about it for a second.

Who's considered one of the most attacked people on this planet? Who's considered the weakest? Get my drift.

I know some of you (hell, perhaps most of you), think homosexuality is evil and all, but what do you think of groups like the Pink Pistols? Since they support, very much wholeheartedly, the right to keep and bear arms, can you see beyond what they are and see that they are "brothers/sisters-in arms" in the fight against gun control?


New member
Let me make my views known on the issue:

I don't have a problem with homosexuals. I do have a problem with some of them who parade down NYC streets once a year. :p

As a result of the entire debate about gay marraige, I changed my political opinion on the issue.

The determination of what is marraige and what is a spouse, should be taken out of the hands of the government, and should be in the purview of private contracts. The idea of a "marraige license" from the government sickens me now. Here in Florida, you have to go through a "3 day waiting period" for marraige. Idiots. :barf:


New member
Responsible gun owners, be they gay, straight, tall, short, white, black, left-handed, right-handed, basically anything but Yankees fans (just kidding - even Yankee fans) need to stand together to fend off our common enemy, the gun-grabbing idiots.

Read "Black Man With a Gun". Great book. Talks much about the racism bundled in gun laws. The Pink Pistol folks want to avoid being beaten, robbed, etc., same as me. I want to protect my wife, daughters, and other innocent people. Sounds like they want to protect themselves and their loved ones. Good for them, and, if they'll lend their support to the RKBA cause, good for all of us, IMHO.


New member
yep, very fmiliar with the Pink Pistols

and welcome them with open arms in our fight to keep our RKBA...... who else are the politicreatures going to listen to re; "hate crimes".... we need these folks!


New member
Sure, I've heard of 'em.

I have to wonder if they're demonized by the lefties because of their pro-gun pro-self-defense stance.


New member
Well, it's probably because the lefties would have no defense against their statements. Remember that if Matt Shepard was armed with a handgun, he wouldn't have been strung up on the fencewire in Wyoming. He would be alive today. If course, Wyoming is one of the most liberal states when it comes to getting a license, but a huge majority of homosexuals are anti-gun rights, and from the interviews done with his friends and family, he was very anti-violence and anti-gun. Too bad his decision to be defenseless had costed him his life.

Think about it: The lefties would want homosexuals to be defenseless, because every "crime of hate" would be national news to peruse their own agenda.

However, they just ignore folks like the PinkPistols, and for good reason. All they have to bring up is "How can you try to pass all of these hate crime laws, when you could arm us with the best defense against hate crime, a handgun?".

Oh, and I found a picture.


Look for armedqueers.jpg


New member
STEVETUNA: Yankee fans don't need guns to avoid trouble . They just stare and scream "You want #$@&^*% trouble ??? I got your %$##*&^ trouble right ^%&*$%# here !!! This will usually disuade anyone up to and usually including your garden variety ax wielding homicidal maniac . One of da benifits of being a Noo Yawker .:eek:


New member
i agree with WAGCEVP.

actually, a while ago several people on TFL recommended to me that I look into a local Pink Pistols group--since I'm a bit timid of the "macho" factor of learning about guns, and they are real good about playing that part down.

I've since met some of them, and they are great people. (Now I don't feel so isolated as being the only Lefty who supports gun rights--I can't tell you how important that is for me.)

and BogBabe, from the stories I've been told, they have been extremely demonized by their Lefty friends, co-workers, peers, etc. An indication of my own future, I'm sure. :(


New member
Familiar with them, and really don't care about people's lifestyles.

As a matter of fact, if it is consensual and not infringing on anybody's rights, I really don't care. In that sense I am liberal.

Also in the sense I support gun rights I am a liberal (not "Liberal" the political party term).

And any reasonable voice that supports my causes are welcome. The more walks of like they come from, the better. It helps make the case that it is not just "gun nuts".


New member
Indeed. Considering the amount of violence committed against them, they are better than your average WASP when it comes to telling liberals that gun control sucks. :D
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New member
Heard of them a while back...good they're organized..the RKBA's can use all the broad range support it can get. And anyway after the Shepard incident and more importantly a series of various other attacks...maybe a few armed gays shooting some violent idiots would be a deterrent to that type of activity. The pink pistols problem will be that many of their erstwhile allies will 'pariah' them for resisting the 'noble-ization of victimhood'. And in from a certain view, their 'orientation' is consensual and legal...so from a RKBA's preservation view...who cares about the gay aspect of it all. The equivalent would be asking me (for example or some of the TFL'ers) how my little firearms collection...relates to hetero sexual practices. (it doesn't unless somewhere along the way..I find the Taurus toting woman of my dreams...and even then ...I doubt that question will turn up)


Staff Emeritus
Jumping Judas Priest on a pogo stick, that's a hell of a way to start up a conversation.

Let me give you a little Southern advice, amigo, if you have to post a warning in advance that a statement is going to be "blunt", or "rough" or any other kind of warning, then it's probably best to be rather more discreet in asking. At the very least, it is a question one should probably ask via e-mail or PM.

Several generations of Southern belles would have boxed my ears (metaphysically speaking) for that little faux pax.

Let's keep this one on the High Road, folks. This thread gives the first sign of going rodeo and it goes Lights Out.



New member
Hey, Lawdog, there's been no attempt to bash the Pink Pistols, or Homosexuals in general. Personally, I didn't know about the Pink Pistols until the last day or so. This wasn't an attempt to bash them, at all.

It just suprised me, okay? I was bringing up a point that the Pink Pistols would be a good group to bring into places that still either ban CCW or have restrictive may-issue laws to testify in front of a committee.

It would be very difficult for the liberals to attack them for being "gun crazy rednecks", as it's very well known that homosexuals are often targeted for sadistic attacks, such as curbing (curbing: The practice of breaking of shattering a person's jaw on a curb of a sidewalk, typically used against homosexuals as a way of denying them the ability to...well...I don't have to go into into details. Use your imagination).

Anyway, Lawdog, if it gets out of hand, I'll delete the thread myself. I'm also a forum admin at a computer gaming site, and I know about how things can go "out of control".

EDIT: I just realized what message you were referring to. That was really stupid on my part. I edited the message to remove the question. Sorry.

I also just realized that I can't delete my own posts. Oh well.

Calamity Jane

New member


New member
I heard about the Pink Pistols a couple of years ago and it bothered me not a whit. I love their "Bash this!" poster
The full size image is at http://www.pinkpistols.org/photos/poster/bashthis.htm but is a slow loader.

All of their posters are at http://www.pinkpistols.org/photos/poster/Thumbs1.htm and http://www.pinkpistols.org/photos/poster/Thumbs2.htm

The Declaration of Independence states: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

No one said that homosexuals are in any manner excluded from that tract.

The Constitution states: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

There is nothing that excludes them from that, either.

These people are a powerful ally, regardless of your personal feelings on their lifestyle. They have the ear of many legislators who are fearful of their voting block and they can make a legislator tremble. We need to embrace them (figuratively) for their pro-firearms stance and welcome them to the fold.


New member
I am glad to see this group is not a bunch of gay-bashing knuckledraggers here.

The Pink Pistols are, like women, among those who could most benefit from concealed carry. Anytime someone can break out of that liberal guns-are-evil mindset (like WyldOne has done, or is trying to do), I say more power to 'em!

The "Bash This!" poster is great!