Ugly Roll Marks - Don't you just hate em?

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Staff Alumnus
There are so many 1911's on the market that have roll marks galore (STI comes to mind). Among the most beautiful 1911's are the older series 70 Colts with small lettering. Now a days, companies have this 'need' to mark a slide up with big letters.

Well, I had enough! ;) My Les Baer had 45 ACP on the slide. It was ugly and obviously I know what caliber handgun I'm carrying and shooting! DOH!

So, with the help of a surface grinder, 320, 420 sandpaper and elbow grease...





Next will be the roll marks on a Colt 1991A1


New member
The only reason I don't buy a 1991a1 is the roll mark. Take a gander at Ruger single actions. I'd like a Super Blackhawk stainless but I can't believe the crap stamped on the barrel.


New member
I don't mind discrete caliber markings. But object to the flaming big stampings we are seeing now. Especially bad are the ones that have warning crap on em like cigarette pack warnings. Like shootin a billboard.

I'm with you on this one Son.


Mal H

I agree, Ruger is the worst of the lot in that respect. Jeez, they might as well put their phone number and web site address along with the warnings, how to order an owners manual, a list of Bill Ruger's contributions, the true recipe for Hagus, etc., etc.

Jason Demond

New member
:eek: I don't think I could have done that to a gun, don't get me wrong it looks better, but I think I would have messed it up.
I would have just fumed about it every time I seen it.


Staff Alumnus
Next on my list is the 1991A1. By the time I'm done with it, it'll look just like the finished one above, minus the front cocking serrations :D

I was ready to remove the Baer Custom roll marks but one of my gunsmith buddies recommended against it in case I ever decide to sell that Baer.

However, it's not even a Baer anymore. Currently, all that's left is the frame, slide, rear Bomar sight, pin set and sear spring. lol Yet, that stupid little Baer Custom roll mark will attract name brand buyers. The gun is currently 20X better then any Baer, Wilson, Brown, etc semi-custom 1911 (no knock against you owners of this brand. This is just a personal opinion after customizing the Baer to my personal taste).

A report on it will be posted once it gets back from the finishing shop.

Good Guy

New member
Remember the old joke about Rugers?

If you run out of cartridges while at the range but still have some time to kill and are really bored, you can always sit down for 1/2 an hour and read your Ruger.

John Lawson

New member
Roll Marks/Etching

While I particularly hate engraving on a firearm, I can't see why anyone would have an obcession (and that's exactly what it is) against roll marks, company logos, etc. on a firearm. Do you also remove the serial numbers? I think your now lopsided guns look like hell.
One wonders: Do you erase all of the writing on cereal boxes? Or, do you spray paint out the logos on the front of your computer?
To say that this is a strange obcession would be putting it mildly. The maker very proudly proclaimed his connection with the pistol. All you have done is to destroy that connecting link. Why, for pity sake? I would truly appreciate an explanation.

Lift up thine eyes to the hills from whence cometh thy help...
Just long enough for me to draw and fire... Doctor Holliday, DDS


New member
It is stupid...

But ugly roll marks DO make a difference to me. Part of the reason I like my Delta Elite so much is that I think the roll marks are cool.


XS/XSE roll marks look great too. Series 80 and small-letter Series 70 look OK too. The Kimber logo is kind of fruity but not egriegious. Then there are the abominations:

1991A1... so ugly there ought to be a law. Proof that at least 1 person at Colt is an idiot.

Series 70 pistols with the HUMUNGOUS lettering. Is this a pistol or a BILLBOARD???
Springfield Armory... hello, you monkeys, that ordinance wheel belongs on the OTHER SIDE!!!

And has anyone seen the big, ugly "NOVAKS" mark that gets put on their custom pistols? **** that thing is UGLY!!! :eek:


Staff Alumnus

You out of all people should know that by removing the roll marks, the gun is no where near "lopsided". Take an indicator to your roll marks if you're unsure.

Why? Because it's my gun and I can do with it as I please. Why on earth must you stoop to the childish comments "Do you also remove the serial numbers?"

Frankly, there's nothing left of this gun from Les Baer. To actually leave their name on is lying. Everything has been replaced except for the slide and frame. Even then, their name is etched on the frame with serial number. Therefore, they have their credit for manufacturing the parts that are used.

As people age, so do their tastes. When I originally bought the pistol, the marks did not bother me. Now that my tastes have changed, along with the features I want, tell me one valid reason why I cannot remove the marks if it does not physically alter the firearm's performance or any legalities.

Please don't take your aggression towards me due to your ban from Unless you have a valid argument, this site is not the place for a pissing match.


New member
The roll marks suck but its those pesky forward slide serrations that break up the clean lines of a 1911. Any way of getting rid of those (I got the cheese grater kind on my Kimber) ?

Long Path

New member
I'm impressed, Son! Nice job!

I just bought a Kimber, and must say that this is probably my biggest peeve-- silly fruity logo. However, that logo is very deeply pressed into the slide. I also would have to bead blast the slide again after removing it, and I'm probably too lazy for that. I also find the rolled-on word "Stainless" to be kinda superfluous on the right side of the slide. Um, Duh!

You know, almost every time you see someone do some scroll work on a pistol, some of the roll "engraving" leaves the gun. I've yet to hear a person decry such an act. For that matter, whenever a gunowner refinishes a gun or stock, he is changing the firearm from the original factory configuration to suit his tastes (eg: almost every factory Remington polyeurethane shotgun stock). Son's only obligation is to leave the SN on the frame. Beyond that, he's free to take an oxy-acetylene torch to the whole shebang (If you ever decide to, Son, would you mind swapping it for a certain slightly KB'd Mk IV Series '70 I have, first?).

Some see beautification in a pistol coming from fancy grips. Some from fancy scroll engraving. Son here finds beauty in the simplicity of smooth, flat sides and a deep blue finish. Simplicity IS beauty, without a doubt.

I find the concept that Mr. Tao be asked to justify his aesthetic efforts toward customizing his (already customized) pistol to be ridiculous to the point that it is laughable.

John, will you be staying long?



  • kimber slide logo.jpg
    kimber slide logo.jpg
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Long Path

New member
ATeam, you can break the edges with fine Swiss files (put tape inside the flats, first). Frankly, I've always hated the foward serrations, till I finally ended up with a pistol that had them, and I find that they're dadgummed utiliarian! :)

However, I seem to be pulling more and more Kydex out of my holster with every draw. :p
Oh, the other side of the Kimber, with the "Stainless":


  • kimber right slide.jpg
    kimber right slide.jpg
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Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
To find certain indentations in a gun to be aesthetically distasteful is an obsession? And this comment is made by somebody who has a "...particular hate for engraving..."?

Am I missing something, here?

I'm old-fashioned, of course. Comes with the years. I assume a gun-maker would put his name on his fine product, but I don't care for logos--to me, they're "a bit much". "Busy" or "Gaudy" come readily to mind. I grant that this is a matter of my personal aesthetics, but I also believe in the KISS principle as to the mechanical function of guns and cars.

I find the tort-liability extended messages to be ludicrous and symptomatic of much that is wrong with today's litigious society...Just part of today's uglification of danged near everything.



John Lawson

New member
Nothing childish about it, Son. You have indulged in obcessive/compulsive and imperious behavior on three different forums. I'm asking you WHY you have the sudden hate for roll marks and other maker's identification on pistols. You are entitled to your opinions; it is when you won't tolerate anyone else's opinions if they contradict yours that I raise an objection, as I am now.
Personally, I like identifying marks, and I think that a denuded (lopsided) pistol looks as though it were made in a tunnel in North Vietnam. I have never had a client request the romoval of roll marks. .
Previously, you went ballistic when I told you and your followers that most serious shooters don't want checkering on a frontstrap. I have had exactly one client request checkering. Thousands and thousands of guns over my bench and 1 request for checkering. Many for grooving, some for engraving but only 1 for checkering.
Perhaps it is time for you to take a poll to see if this trend is changing. I have a feeling that it might be. There seems to be a greater number of gamesmen than serious professionals on the internet.


New member
I don't mind the roll marks or company logos on my guns. All my guns are 100% factory stock units. One thing I don't like, and this is keeping me from buying a new Kimber Custom Stainless, is the front slide serations.

I think that front slide serations are extremely ugly on a 1911 pistol. It just looks so out of place to me. I guess until Kimber gets rid of their front slide serations, I will just have one 1911 pistol. My very basic 1991A1....

That reminds me, I need to shoot my 1991A1 sometime. I have honestly never shot a 1911 in my entire life....... :)


Staff Alumnus

I'm not going to argue with you on this subject. It's a shame you know absolutely nothing about what 'professionals' use, checkering wise. I guess US Special Forces, FBI, various SWAT teams and Camp Perry shooters are not professionals since they all ask for 20 lpi checkering.

What is childish is the fact you bash a person on personal preference. Afterall, last I recall, this is my gun and not yours right?

Hmmm, three forums? Considering I only moderate TFL and 1911forum, I have no idea what you're talking about. Sorry but I had nothing to do with your banning on You dug your own grave.
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