Ugliest Gun Contest??


Active member
I've seen many beautiful guns and gun photos on these forums. But, what about an "ugliest gun" contest? I figure that if you are posting a picture of your own "ugliest" gun, that no one would get offended by off-hand comments about it. Just wondering if there would be any point or interest in doing such a contest. I've got one that I think could be a winner, if I can find the ugly little "&as%@r*.
I know this is going to frost a lot of people, but I think the ugliest gun out there is the Colt Python.

That ventilated rib makes me want to projectile vomit.

Jim March

New member


In my defense, it's still in prototype mode. I'm collecting the parts to do a major upgrade in cosmetics and toughness. But it's damned functional :).


Active member
Well, what I was hoping for was for folks who have ugly guns to post pictures of them. I didn't intend for folks to call other people's guns "ugly".

For example, I have some old, busted up 1900's era pocket revolvers. When I get to snap a picture of these, I'll post them. I might even add a picture of my Lorcin .380. These are my guns, so no one should get offended by me calling my own guns UGLY.:D Pictures of guns that have gone KABOOM would probably be pretty ugly too.

Jim, that JB weld (?) is a really nice touch!


Active member
without a doubt, a winner

I've never seen one of those Korobov TKB-022 assault rifles. That might just get my vote for the uggliest design ever. Looks like something thrown together as a prop for a bad 1950's sci-fi B-movie.


New member
Is that a "Cougar" gun, FrankenMauser? Sort of looks like something Demi Moore would own.

I traded a much-loved Ruger Super Blackhawk to my brother for the rifle, intending for my wife to hunt with it. (chambered in .243 Winchester)
Of course, she found it ugly. (It used to have an arctic camo job.)
So... My brothers, and I pinkerized it for her.

She still hates it.

Now I have a pink rifle which, I shamefully admit, has grown on me.

Tucker 1371

New member
High Points, Armscors, Nambus, Chauchat

Edit: Forgot the FNAR, why does nobody make a replacement stock for that thing? I think FN gives each one a good ugly stick beating before they box it up ;).
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New member
Now I have a pink rifle which, I shamefully admit, has grown on me.

It just means you dont need masculine colors to show you are a man

ps. I have a pink xbox controller, I always come home with it and always have a spot open ;)


New member
the korbov was known to be a jammomatic and hard to shoot well, but i bet if it had a black stock rails and a 20 round mag people here would be drooling overit.


New member
A couple of votes for Nambu, but none for Ruger .22 auto? If we're talking about how ugly it is to reassemble, the Ruger wins, hands down.