Ugh Rambo question....

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So I was watching Rambo III the other day and I noticed something very strange. At one point at the end, he jumps into the back of a Russian jeep and starts shooting with the crew served weapon. At a closer glance (I kept going back and pausing it) I noticed that it looked like an M2 reciever with a "Russian" looking sleeve over the barrel to make it look non-American. But I could be wrong and I was just curious if the Russians back in the 1980s had crew-serve that looks like a M2 reciever or is this just Hollywood?

Another note: watched G.I. Jane yesterday and I realized 3 things.
1. Demi Moore is hot with a shaved head

2. It is not BUD/S she is going through, but some sort of Reaction Team. They say it on the first day of training and mention that in the class they had SEALS, Special Forces, and Marine Force Recon.

3. When they are getting back on the helicopter at the end, the crew chief for the helicopter is firing a Desert Eagle. Didn't know American uses Desert Eagles in the military.


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You're trying to make sense of Hollywood gun scenes?.....good luck. Movies are for entertainment, not for historical record.


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He was watching Rambo fix his own bullet wound by pouring gunpowder in it and blowing the hole shut.

... awesome.

In GI Jane, she goes through Navy SEAL CRT (Combined Reconnaissance Team) training. Heavy stuff. And I'd like to see the eyes of the recruit who is issued a .50 caliber Desert Eagle when he's handed his assignment. :eek:



Hooray for Hollywood,

It's been a long time since I saw GI Jane(working title: Navy Cross).
The SEAL-CRT post is interesting. ;)
As for Rambo, John J; I'd scoot over to . That's a great movie/tv resource for firearms, military weapons, etc. It's very detailed and has many pics/frame captures.

Demi M used a big IMI Desert Eagle pistol in the Charlie's Angels sequel. She is on Magnum Research's site;

ps: In the early 1990s, while at FT Lee VA near Richmond, I saw a photo of Demi Moore with a group of female medical students/US Army soldiers at the Medical College of VA. They were all in scrubs, but she was the best looking of them all, :). Moore was there to do research for a film project that was never produced.
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It's exactly what you thought, a ma deuce with a barrel shroud to make it look russian. Movie armorers couldn't get their hands on a real DShK heavy machine gun, so they would mock up what they had on hand. They do it all the time, in Shanghai Noon II the gatling gun was really a browning 30cal with a rotary barrel assembly attached, and in Aliens the pulse gun was an ithaca shotgun under a tommy gun encased in plastic.


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If it's the Rambo where he's trying to free a bunch of missionaries, it's not Rambo III, it's the latest episode and simply titled "Rambo" ... and that MG, whatever it was, sure chewed up a bunch of baddies ... Stallone can't act or even talk so you can understand him, but he's sure hell on Commies!


Rambo(2008), Rambo III(1988), ...

Rambo was 2008. The CGI/SFX make it worth watching, ;). It has extremely graphic fight scenes. The heavy MG Rambo uses gacks MoFos left, right & center.

Rambo III is where he helps our good friends, the Afgans(insert joke here).


ps: Rambo is the only Rambo film where JJR uses a pistol. ;)


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Rambo III is where he helps our good friends, the Afgans(insert joke here).

What joke?

I've been. I've seen. Like most people in the world, they just want to be left alone. They also don't appreciate having foreign countries arm and train para-military forces in their homeland, only to have an invasion (some time later) to take out that same para-military force. (Sorry, I know it's really border-line political, but it's what I got from the people while I was there.)
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