U.N. 15% tax for Bosnia...practice makes perfect


New member
Ethnic Serbs ( and Croations for that matter) are in revolt over the new 15% U.N. tax on all good except certain super basic food items. I guess they are getting the practicum needed to eventualy force a tax on all of us ( one of their stated goals)...follow this link...


I tried to go to the Yahoo Hong Kong News section to retreive the story but it was already hidden.. ( much like that amtrak story of a few days ago). This was off the Matt Drudge site.

How does this relate to ARMS? Well remember they took all the wepons they could away from em'...now look at their pittiful behinds!


New member
C. Heston reports that the UN will have a summer confab where the weenie bedwetter eggheads will be working on banning "light arms" worldwide. Seems they will cover this by calling the action 'illegal gunrunning prevention.' However, there are no ILLEGAL guns without guns--and the end game is to simply outlaw gun PRODUCTION except in Gummint-controlled factories. Not only will the poor slobs in Serbia have to pay outrageous taxes, they will have no way to, ah, relieve their tensions on selected targets...


New member
Yah, got a letter on that from the NRA. Pretty scary stuff goin down here! Most of the rest of the U.N. members dosen't give a hoot about firearms freedom. So even if we dont ratify any U.N. gun schemes now, we could get snokered in too them later. ( Like the "desertification" treaty, that suposedly our esteemed senators did not know they were voting for).


New member
To be honest I would not shed one tear over any so called "U.N Peacekeepers" that get killed in Bosnia. The people in that area do not want them there, and that is all I can say.


New member
Well I for one will feel bad when those soldiers get killed, most of them don't really think of themselves as the JBTs they have become. If I were the locals there, hell if any of us here were, I bet you we'd be shooting at them though...


New member
To make matters worse...

...they're taxing food items. That's cold, especially when you have a lot of poor people. That's more than cold, it's wrong.

I agree; we should pull out of the Balkans. I'm tired of hearing the Europeans whining that it'll destablize Europe; you didn't see them helping us in Panama or Grenada. EVERY group over there, more or less, hates us. The so-called heroic KLA is a terrorist group who throws hand grenades into Serb school yards.

I also laugh when people mention that World War One started in the same area. That's true; but WWI was a SENSELESS war, started by imperialist european powers puffing themselves up at each other, and then finding out after a massive waste of human life that they couldn't conquer each other.


New member
This LONG link seems to work - had to do an afp search from Drudge's website: http://english.hk.dailynews.yahoo.c...p/Kosovo_Serbs_hold_rally_against_UN_tax.html

So U.N. foreigners are taxing the locals? This is worse than the Brits taxing the American colonists in the 1700's...the colonists were at least nominally considered Englishmen. This is an awfully dangerous precedent, for the UN to assert and enforce this kind of power. (And I used to think the talk about "blue helmets" undermining countries was just the paranoid ramblings of someone who lines his John Deere cap with tinfoil to keep the "rays" out.)

Notice that at the end of the story, it says the taxes are "already incorporated into the province's budget?"

Dangus wrote:
Well I for one will feel bad when those soldiers get killed, most of them don't really think of themselves as the JBTs they have become.
Hmmmm...so they're innocent because they're just following orders? Dangus, I was going to rip you a new one, but I can't really do that, since I agree wholeheartedly with the second sentence of your post.

I just hope that Bush gets us out of that mess. It seems too much like getting in between a couple of street gangs: there ARE no good guys.


New member

I was going to do the same to Dangus also. The fact that they are simplely there is BAD enough, but the whole tax thing really pushes it over the edge. Wonder why *they* are soo eager to disarm the KLA??? So they could tax them without getting shot to little piece of course!


New member
Mine the balkans big time, build a big wall around and check nobody
gets out and then drop enough guns and weaponry so they can wipe
themselves out of this plane of existance. Then recolonize the

Just make sure they don't emigrate to western Europe to take their
conflict there and suck up welfare money like socialists our tax


New member
:mad: - typical .gov BS. As for the idiots who are just doin their jobs I have less then no sympathy for them, if they are too stupid to think autonomously then they are too stupid and dangerous to live. They are robbing these people and there is no excuse for it.


New member
Well! I said something like this sometime ago, so I will say it again.

The UN members should be deported, the UN building demolished and a shooting range built. And to Hell with their NWO agenda, tax`s and all.:)

Bob Locke

New member
I'm with Dangus. If the Blue Helmets were on American soil doing their UN Thing, then my AR-15 would be getting a daily workout. It is unfortunate that it is partly OUR armed forces doing the jackbooting over there. What a disgrace to the Constitution and the flag.


New member
I for one would not be down for destroying the UN building in NYC. I would however kick all those "UN people" out. Then, I would make the UN building in a museum, that documents all the human rights abuses that took place through out the world. (A shooting range in the basement wouldnt be a bad idea ;) )