(TX) Man shot, killed near Ponder

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PONDER — A woman shot and killed her former husband Wednesday morning after he apparently lay in wait for her and forced her into the home where she was living with her parents and children just off Seaborn Road in unincorporated Denton County.


She told investigators that she had a protective order against McDonald, and he was not supposed to be near the house.

The case will be investigated as a homicide and will be routinely turned over to the district attorney for possible grand jury action, Clark said.

Denton County records show that McDonald was indicted on charges of aggravated kidnapping and aggravated sexual assault in 2009. The indictments allege that on Sept. 15, 2009, he abducted her at knifepoint, took her against her will to another location and sexually assaulted her.


Evidently he plea-bargained on the previous charges and only got 90 days. Just goes to show how effective a protective order really is...

Happens all too frequently, unfortunately.

But what, really, is here that is on topic for General Discussion, or really TFL in general?

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