TX Firearms Legal Seminar

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Shameless plug but a great opportunity for legal types in TX:

What Every Texas Lawyer Needs to Know About Firearms Law. This course has been approved by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization for CLE credit in Criminal, Criminal Appellate, Civil Trial, Juvenile, and Personal Injury Trial Law. It will be presented at the Norris Conference Center at Sundance Square in Fort Worth on September 27, 2013.


We have a fantastic panel of professionals assembled this year to address recent changes in legislation as well as to forecast trends and policies affecting the future of gun-owners' rights (Ayoob, Halbrook, Meyer, etc.)

Topics we are covering will include:
•Constitutional Law - The Right to Bear Arms
•Legislative Update
•Overview of Tort and Insurance Cases Involving Firearms
•Avoiding Malpractice and Ethics Violations in Firearms Matters
•Concealed Carry
•How Defendants Are Seen by the Jury in Gun Cases
•Firearms Trusts
•Restoration of Firearms Rights
•Obtaining and Keeping a Federal Firearms License
•Criminal Defense in Gun Cases
•Protective Orders
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Frank Ettin

It looks like an excellent program. If you're going to be there or participating I hope you'll be able to clue us in on some of the material discussed and points raised.

Oh, and you might want to check the link. It's not getting me anywhere.



They need to have that in Florida too; www.floridafirearmslaw.com .

I'd add that a topic the panel may want to address is firearms & carry licenses re; federal & state declared emergencies like Katrina or Rita or super storm Sandy.
States and homeland security officials should have the gun laws or statues in place before a large scale disaster.
Gun owners & license holders should not be treated like dirt in a declared emergency or natural disaster nor should their 2A rights be denied without due process.


Only for legal types, Glenn?
Or can us common folk with a thirst for knowledge somehow be allowed to attend?
Anyone can attend. I contacted TXBARCLE about this earlier in the week and they reiterated that attendees need not be attorneys.

There is no discount for non-attorneys other than the early registration discount if you register early.

Unfortunately I won't be able to attend. I didn't get it on my schedule quickly enough and found out today I can't get out of work that day because my boss scheduled me for training that week.

Frank Ettin

I've ordered the course materials for myself, but they won't be available until mid-December.

So, Bart, if you could share any significant insights you'll save me some suspense.
Great presentation by Glenn who has updated his research quite a bit since I last saw it. Stephen Halbrook gave a quick summary of constitutional law issues but anyone who follows the cases here is better informed than the hour long lecture allowed (though he did have some good inside baseball stories).

Charles Cotton covered Texas law updates and there were some interesting discussions on tort law and collateral issues caused by protective orders in Family law. All in all one of the better CLEs I have caught in awhile.

I was joking that is the most untucked shirts I've ever seen at a CLE.


My training was rescheduled so I was able to attend after all.

That was my first CLE and I found it informative and enjoyable. It was also nice to be able to meet a few TFL'ers in person.

I think the most valuable part was being able to listen to legal issues being expounded and discussed by people who actually deal with the practical aspects of criminal and civil law on a daily basis as opposed to those who merely have strong opinions on the topic.
Mas Ayoob also gave a self-defense presentation discussing Ability, Opportunity, Jeopardy, and Preclusion; but again, there was nothing covered there that hasn't been discussed in greater detail here.