two winchester .22 mag,s.


New member
i pcked up these win .22 mags. i went to look at the win. lever action 255 and had to buy both or none,the owner wanted to get rid of both at the same time. the other one just happened to be a model 61 pump in .22 mag. both are in very good condition out side and ex in,the 255 has not been messed with but the 61 has sling swievels added. what would the pair be worth to a collector if they were for sale? thanks eastbank.
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New member
I don't know of any collector interest in the 255, but the Model 61 is definitely colectible, even with those old-school sling swivels added. Value is probably around $1500, even with the swivels. The 255 is probably worth $350-ish.


New member
I think scorch has the values pretty much pegged.

The model 61 in 22 magnum is a definite collector's item but the swivels hurt it. Depending on what you paid, it may be worth having a gun smith remove them and fill it in and refinish the wood. The trick is that you would have find a good one so the work wouldn't be obvious. I never actually saw a model 61 in 22 mag if that tells you anything...

The other one is more uncommon in 22 mag but not necessarily more in demand. Its hard to say how many were made but it looks to be in great condition. I think $350 is about where that one is at too.