two unrelated questions

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New member
How come there are not more caliber choices in rimfire? Can they make a rimfire bullet for deer hunting?

If you have a concealed carry and someone starts shooting people randomly, what do you do? If his back is to you do you tell him to stop, or do you yell or just take aim and shoot him in the back? Is this possible scenario discussed in CCW classes?



New member
Cant really speak to the rimfire hunting cartridge, but im sure glad centerfires are so prevelant, or my reloading setup wouldnt be saving me as much money as it is now.

As far as someone going crazy like that, most instructors I have known would say that he/she has pushed the situation far beyond a "stop and put your gun on the ground" situation. If someones shooting at other people and you have the power to stop them RIGHT NOW, I would say its your duty as an armed citizen to prevent him/her from hurting any more people.


New member
How come there are not more caliber choices in rimfire? Can they make a rimfire bullet for deer hunting?
Can they? Yes. There was once a time when they existed, especially in the 19th century. But it turns out that center fire is considerably superior in the role. Center fire was determined to have more reliable ignition (and still does today). A dud or 2 per 100 rimfire rounds is pretty much par for the course unless you are talking about premium fare, but that many would be completely unacceptable in the center fire realm. Center fire designs are able to be pushed to considerably higher pressures. After all, the brass has to be comparatively thin all around the rim in order for the priming compound to be able ignited via impact. And center fire cases are able to be reloaded -- easily if they are Boxer primed, much less so if Berdan primed.

In general, rimfires today are relegated to roles where low cost and/or low pressure are what are desired and reloading capability and extreme reliability aren't issues. That pretty much counts them out for higher pressure hunting (other than small game and short range varmints), longer range target, and combat roles.

If you have a concealed carry and someone starts shooting people randomly, what do you do? If his back is to you do you tell him to stop, or do you yell or just take aim and shoot him in the back? Is this possible scenario discussed in CCW classes?
IANAL. I understand that you better know the laws of the jurisdiction. I know that in some, like in Ga, the law says that you can use deadly force to intervene in the commission of a felony, which means that you can apply deadly force in the situation you describe. The situation is similar here in Tx, where the law was patterned after what happened in the infamous Luby's massacre and Suzanna Gratia-Hupps's experience there and subsequent activism regarding CCW in Tx. But that isn't to say that is the situation everywhere.
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New member
In Massachusetts you should put your firearm down, give the criminal your wallet and the keys to your car and beg that he does not kill you.:rolleyes:

Not really, but we're close. I would say that giving a warning only increases the chance that you and others become victims. If you warn the criminal, they can turn and shoot. And God knows where those rounds will land or whom they will harm. I am not a cowboy, but placed in that no-win position, one is forced to shoot for the safety of those in the area.


New member
Your scenario, per say, is not discussed as we have an excellent You Tube film of someone going crazy with destruction of property and that leads to threat of human life.

But to address your issue; you are in a crowd and someone starts to randomly assassinate innocent, unarmed people. You have a concealed gun. You could be next. You are under no obligation to shoot but you do have to live with yourself. Your are justified to shoot to save the life of another human being. Does it make a difference if you shoot him in the back? Did he give unarmed people a chance when he mowed them down with his gun? Warning shots are for TV Shows. Shoot to kill. Shoot to neutralize the threat. Just make sure you shoot the person that is doing the shooting.


New member
45 Gunner is right...

there is no such thing as a 'fair fight'....

in the end you are either right or wrong in your actions...

I'd rather live and have others live to question my actions than the reverse.

Bud Helms

Senior Member

Post your rimfire ammo question in the Handloading and Reloading forum.

Post your shoot 'em in the back question in the Tactics and Training forum, if you must.

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