Two SD shootings in the KC area in one day - Media surprisingly neutral


New member
First, a shopkeeper shot at two robbers, killing one:

Of interest, no comments were made about how bad it is for private citizens to use a gun; one resident commented to the reporter that [the police] really need to clean up the area, as it's getting to be pretty bad.

Then, a car's driver may have shot a carjacker, still under investigation:

My point with regard to both being that the Kansas City Star is not typically a pro-gun paper. Yet in both these articles, not a peep was said about the actions of the gun owners. No calls for greater gun control were made by reporters, editors, or Topix respondents. This is a breath of fresh air.
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New member
It appears that gun ownership is being viewed more favorably all over. I am old enough that I can recall the dark days when this was not true.


New member
Good reporting.

It is different from recent reports which had an anti gun slant.

In the late 60s the Star was pro self defense. In an incident Three bad guys robbed a grocery store. The gas station attendant across the street was alerted to the robbery. He grabbed his deer rifle off the gun rack of his PU. (He was packed for a hunting trip.)

Shots were fired and the perps came out of the store. He proceeded to shoot all three of the BGs. 2 were down permanently and the third had a pronounced limp when he ran into a wooded area.

The paper quoted the hero as saying, "It was easier than shooting a deer". The paper lauded the man as a hero.

It was a different time.
Don't get excited, this is Kansas (or at least very western Missouri). The entire state is Blue, from the congresscreatures on down to the state legislature. Guns is good here.


New member
I live near KC, so I know the area.

On the other hand, I am also familiar with the Star, and this is a pleasant surprise, considering their recent editorial stances on gun issues such as open carry in Overland Park.