Two Russian Planes crash / disappear....


New member
I don't want to be premature, but:

The chances of two planes taking off from the same airport going down within three minutes of each other are astronomical.

Add in the fact that these mysterious crashes took place 6 days before the Chechnyan Presidential election.

Foul play is afoot. I think we all know who's behind it. And I think we know what's going to happen in the U.S. in November.

Madrid, Moscow, Washington. Hopefully this time the citizens of this country will do more than just put a bunch of flag stickers on their SUV's....

4 Wheel Drive

New member
Seems to me that our war on terror has been going fairly well since September 11th of 01. The terrorists have had their heads handed to them every time they have massed, and whatever the government is doing right should continue.

IMO, we can't just sit back and react to these folks, but I strongly suspect that we will be "hearing" from the terrorists fairly soon.
The elevated threat we last had due to 'increased chatter on their commo circuits" was either trying to get their people in a particular direction, or it was a test of our response times to see what our reaction time was. Kinda like tossing a rock through a window to see how fast the police arrive.

I suppose its a matter of time before they figure out how to hit us-the important part is how we deal with it. An overreaction gives them a win.


Well, it seems as the Russian officials too have trouble deciding exactly how many passengers and crew are aboard their commercial flights.

A friend of mine was piloting a commercial twin prop that exploded at cruising altitude over Germany about 1990; I do not know whether to this date his wife has ever had a straight answer as to what happened.


New member
That really makes me laugh !!! Russia has for years trained ,organized , and funded terrorists .All to help terrorize other countries now it's come back to bite them.I have no sympathy for them, they deserve it. :D


New member
The problem is, the governments that do this don't reap what they sow. Once again, innocent victims and everyday people suffer from the actions of their government.


New member
So the Russians deserved it? By that logic, we could also say that the U.S. deserved it, what with all the terrorist regimes we've funded:

The Taliban
The Contras
et al

But luckily I've had more than a fifth-grade education and realize the historical context surrounding our support for these groups. To condemn Russia with a wave of the hand and say, "what goes around comes around" is to do the same for the U.S....

Fred Hansen

New member
I'm no fan of Russia, but I despise the death-cult psychotics running around with Allah's name too often on the tips of their filthy tongues. Nobody deserves their garbage, especially as has been pointed out, the innocent are the ones who pay. :mad:

Two planes a few minutes apart sounds like terrorism to me. Even the junk that the Russians build isn't that prone to failure.

Has anyone heard if there was any possibility of freak weather being involved? Icing on the wings, wind shear micro-bursts, or anything along those lines? :confused:


New member
From (I added the bold-face):

"The airport on Moscow's far south side operates a single terminal that serves both international and domestic flights. Both flights were serviced at and left from the domestic section. Rain and thunder were reported in the regions where both crashes occurred."

"Officials said one of the jets sent a distress signal that may have indicated a hijacking. Rescuers found the four flight recorders from the two planes late on Tuesday and brought them to Moscow for analysis. Those flight recorders could give investigators more insight into what happened aboard the planes before they plunged."

"Interfax quoted a Domodedovo airport spokesman as saying no foreigners were on the passenger lists for either plane. But a spokesman for the Israeli embassy said an Israeli citizen, David Coen, was on the Volgograd-bound jet."

"Rebel representative Akhmed Zakayev told Russia's Ekho Moskvy radio from London that Chechen rebel forces and rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov were in no way connected to the near simultaneous crashes."

Aslan? Interesting, as that's the name of the Lion King in CS Lewis's Narnia series -- the King that was supposed to represent Jesus Christ. Always love it when a terrorist carries the name of a peaceful prophet :)