two rugers... advise/questions


New member
Alright well my girl friends grandmother passed eariler this year. There were 2 rugers in the house she lived in, i am holding them in my safe now. Her mother was asking if i wanted them for a "get them out of my possession cost" Both are in good condition, and in originial boxes. First is a speed six 357 mag ss-32. also a single six with both cylinders (22lr/22mag). Both blued with wood grip. My question is what would these go? A price if to be listed or their value in your opinion. Like i said, both have good finish and are clean. There are 2 holsters for each as well


New member
$1 Bob......:D

Honestly, i can give you a fair price on the Single Six. If it looks decent w/o any rust and is mechanically sound, a "fair" price would be approximately $350. Also depends on who deperate they want to get rid of it or how desperate you want it. Price can always be negotiated.


New member
I'd say total market value on both would be somewhere in the 600-700 range depending on condition. A "Get them out of my possession cost" would maybe be in the 4-500 range possibly.


New member
Not sure how old they are. By the packaging they look to be older and i doubt her grandmother was buying these a week before she passed. the serial on the speed six reads:158-42XXX and the single six:81XXXX


New member
from rugers web site sieral number history
looks like the speed six is 1982 vintage and the single looks to be 1968, not sure on the values but both good guns. do you know if the single has had the "fix" yet?


New member
The Speed Six is a very good revolver,capable of excellent accuracy and almost indestructible-I carried one for years-and it was dropped numerous times.I was unaware it came in blue.Ours were issued in stainless.If you have any interest in owning a practical firearm,keep it.


New member

SD_Chop: Sir; The 'sawrecker' advice is good.
Additionally when asking at; Furnish as much ?responsible? info.

1. First 3digits of Serial #
2. Single Six barrel length +options i.e. magnum cylinder
3. Do you have the boxes and paper work:) increases the value
4. Speed Six in .32 same deal.

Follow up with what you find. Thanks

cortez kid

New member
Offer what she would be lucky to get at a dealer. $300 for the pair. Getting it out of the house cost is free to a semi-family member. $300 is a great deal for you and a realistic price for them.


New member
SD_Chop: Sir; with the Single Six is potentially a collector model and value could range $350.-$700.00++ sometime between 1957-1958

Speed Six 1982+-

Call Ruger @603-865-2424 Ask and get a free "LETTER" for the Single Six.:D
A very nice lady will give you all the information about BOTH firearms

You have something in the Single Six:)

Do not return it to Ruger; A Collector piece that is all they need to know.:)

Follow up with your findings. Thanks
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Kinda depends on vintage and condition but typically not more than $250 apiece. Single Sixes are extremely plentiful and it would have to be a rare variation in its original box to be worth much more. If it's a New Model, forget it.


New member
ok i will keep searching. Yes both in original yellow ruger boxes. The speed six has the original manual, the single does not but has the mag cylinder.

ok posted on the ruger site... thanks for the info guys!!


New member
Honestly, i can give you a fair price on the Single Six. If it looks decent w/o any rust and is mechanically sound, a "fair" price would be approximately $350. Also depends on who deperate they want to get rid of it or how desperate you want it. Price can always be negotiated.

:eek: If you're willing to pay that amount for a Single Six, I can a good amount of profit. Those are always available up here in the sub-$300 range, Heck even decent unconverted OM's are less than $300.


New member
pics added







cortez kid

New member
I think it's a great deal all around. They wanted it out of the house and you wanted them in your collection. They look in great shape. I still think they would have been AWFULL lucky to get more than three hundred for the package. MAYBE an extra $100 for the H&R and holsters(stretch). I'm sure they would have sold over the dealer's counter for $700, but GF's family wouldn't get anywhere close. Good shooting.