Two pro-gunners on Donahue Friday evening


New member
Two pro-gun advocates will appear on Donahue Friday evening.
They are Paxton Quigley, author of "Armed and Female," and Susan Gonzalez. I wrote about Susan in my book, "Guns Save Lives: True Stories of Americans Defending Their Lives with Firearms." She and her husband were innocent victims of a violent home invasion--although she was opposed to guns at the time, she grabbed her husband's pistol and killed one of the invaders. Unforunately, she and her husband were severely wounded by the attackers. Now Susan is a strong advocate for the right to keep and bear arms.

Donahue is one of my least favorite people, and I'm sure several anti-gunners will appear as a "counter-balance." The show is tentatively entitled "Gun Control after the Sniper." Sounds rigged to me, but at least we have a couple of brave, attractive, and articulate women who will fight the good fight.

I encourage everyone to watch the show and afterwards to send emails or letters to Donahue and his sponsors indicating the desire to hear more pro-gun opinions on his show.



New member
Interesting choice of guests. I did not see, but recall hearing that Donahue tried to beat up on Wayne LaPierre when he was on a few months back. Will be interesting to see if he tries the same tactics with two women. From what I hear, Paxton Quigley is not easy to best in a debate. Much as I dislike Donahue I'll try to watch.


New member
I enjoyed "THE BEST DEFENSE". I just went to your website. I'll be picking up your new book as well.

I have also read Paxton's book (bought it for my wife). I will try and watch Donahue. :barf:

Keep up the good work. :)


New member
Thanks for the nice comments about the book. Susan Gonzalez's story is in the second book and shows the viciousness of some criminals. Susan was shot twice and her husband beaten and shot twice. They're both lucky to be alive. I just hope Donahue gives her a chance to tell her story without interruption.


New member
best, I will not watch Donahue under any circumstances (well, maybe if like Monica Potter were on), but I did enjoy your book. Keep it up.:)


New member
KS, same here. Except that I make an exception this time since I had a small part in getting the pro-gun people together with the producers. Glad you liked the book. Robert

Kentucky Rifle

New member
Yeah-I'll watch that nut's program~JUST this once.

If he, or his audience let's Paxton Quigley talk, Donahue's head will explode.



New member
Larry Pratt was on Abrams on MSNBC yesterday morning. Early riser.:) He was interviewed with a couple of lawyers about the gun lawsuit in Florida. Abrams said he usually disagrees with Pratt on guns but he said it was pretty obvious the kid killed the teacher, not the gun. He even seemed to agree it was a back door attack on gun rights, not unsafe firearms.


New member
Looks like our soon to be "former" Gov., Jesse "The Body" Ventura will be replacing old Phil Donohue, as the Phil man's ratings keep sliding. I would suspect that this show on Friday was planned some weeks ago to try and get a boost before they pulled the plug for good. If Donohue has two pro gun women on, the thinking may just have been to pull some gun owners, including women, into the show along with the regular lefties who hate guns. Just a possibility.

Anyway, The Body is more of a pro gun guy. He hunts. He claimed at one time he owned military look alike semiauto rifles, but threw them in the lake when they became politically incorrect. He also said he would sign CCW in Minnesota if it got to his desk. The liberal left controlled Senate here wouldn't pass it, although it go within a whisker. The Bod's let down was that he never got out front on that issue. He was content to let the legislature fight it out. If it passed he'd sign it, if it didn't he could fault the Reps and the Dems for not being able to agree on anything. He wins either way. He's kinda like that, though.

Good riddenz to Phil Donuthole if he goes, and the Bod should be at least entertaining. He is liberal on some issues, conservative on others, and libertarian when it suits his agenda.


New member
Recently bought the second book and it's as good as the first. If you want to covert an anti, give them this book. If that doesn't do it, it's hopeless. Susan should be great on the show. Paxton's always good.