Two New Family Members


New member
Just picked up two new family members. A Taurus M66 in 357 mag and a Beretta 92 Compact. Any thoughts or input on either?


New member
I personally would have skipped the Taurus, but that is just personal preference. I think the Beretta 92 compact should be pretty sweet from everything I have read about it. I have the 92-A1 model and am pretty happy with it.
Lots of good info on the compact over at the beretta forum


New member
If you really bought two new pistols, you have posted a photo.:D
If they suit you, that is all that matters.


New member
Two new family members? Are you a gun which would make them son's of a gun?

Sorry, couldn't help myself. Don't think I have ever heard of anyone calling their firearms purchase "family members". Usually hear/read stuff like, "adding to the stable," "increasing the pack/herd."

Have fun with your family? Sort of begs the question, when you travel, what do you pack? Can you take the heat? Does their food come in boxes, cartons, or plastic bags? Do they have hearts of steel? Do they go off half cocked? Have you advised them on safety? Hope they are not loose canons? Geez, I could just go on forever.


New member
You guys crack me up. I have heard mixed reviews about Taurus as well but it seemed like a good deal so I will try one. Heading to camp today to give both of them a test run. I have a Smith 66-1 and the wife liked that and she wanted one of her own so I figured this would be a good one to look at and she liked how it felt in her hand.

Always wanted a Beretta but just never had the right "timing" to get one. Thought the "timing" was right so I got one.


New member
I have the 66 Taurus

And it has been a great gun for me. One minor problem soon after purchase. The cylinder release latch shot loose within the first 50 rds. A drop of loctite and 500+ rds later still working perfectly. I like shooting the 4 inch Taurus 66 better than my 6 inch 686. For some reason I prefer the 4 inch barrel over the 6 inch.
I realize the Taurus is not a Smith. But it makes a great truck gun as it fits in the console where the 686 won't. And I paid less than half what a new 4 inch Smith would cost. No complaints here. Shoot yours and enjoy.


New member
Love 'em

Just got back from camp and shot them both. They were both absolutely wonderful to shoot. The wife loves her new 357 as my Smith 66 has Pachmayr grips that she didn't like. This one fits her hand better and dog gone if she doesn't want me to load all the empties tonight so we can go shooting again next weekend.

The Beretta was absolutely as accurate as any gun I have shot out of the box. The first magazine was 13 for 13 head shots and it got tighter from there if you can believe that. All five of us felt that it was the best gun we have shot so far. We have 9 different hand guns to play with when we go out so we have some range time behind us when we say that.

Now all I have to do is find a holster and that will become my daily carry piece. Any suggestions?


New member
I personally would have skipped the Taurus, but that is just personal preference.

Dude -- the first reply to an enthusiastic brother who supports our favorite industry to the tune of two brand new firearms is "I wouldn't have bought one of those!" Really?

You guys crack me up. I have heard mixed reviews about Taurus as well but it seemed like a good deal so I will try one.

Glad you're taking it in good fun. I hope you enjoy your new hardware! There's a part of me that keeps wanting a 92... one of these days!

Note: For the record, this is my 357th post! Woohoo!


New member
Glad you enjoyed your new toys...

I've yet to see someone unhappy with the 92 Compacts that recently came out..happy to hear your story is no different.

Also, congrats on the wife and her new toy. Taurus or not, I'm sure it'll provide plenty of fun for her..

lee n. field

New member
Just picked up two new family members. A Taurus M66 in 357 mag and a Beretta 92 Compact. Any thoughts or input on either?

I had a Taurus Model 66 for a good long while. It was "OK" until I acquired the gun it's a copy of.


New member
I can't speak to the Taurus, although I can say that my only personal experience with them has been positive.

I agree with you about the Beretta - my brother has an M9 (or I think he calls it that, it's whatever he carries when he's doing his duties in the armory for the Marines) version and it is an absolute hoot to shoot. Accurate, low recoil, sexy as hell. Good choice. :D