Two more Rem 700 questions...


New member
Yeah, I just found an old .30-'06 hunter beat to heck on the outside but with a beautiful bore.. looks like a daisy. Cheap to.

Anyhow.... I've seen the instructions on how to adjust a Rem trigger.. but is there a way to get those trigger parts out and clean out the gook from twenty-odd years of oil dripping in there? It's still pretty crisp, but I'm betting I could get it better if I could get in there and clean it out. Is there a way to dissassemble the tigger assembly?

Secondly.. whats that hole on the right side of the receiver opposite the serial #? A gas port for overpressure loads?

Anything else I should know about tinkering, care and feeding, etc? I know about the dicey safety issue -- anything else?

Thank you!


PS.. gosh this is neat.. reminds me of a 21st century longrifle. Who needs evil black plastic? :p


New member
The hole is the equivalent of the "Hatcher hole" on a 1903 or 03A3 Springfield rifle. In the event of case failure, it vents to the side instead of blowing the bolt out at you.

I don't know about dissassembly of the trigger group. I usually spray Rem oil or Sheath until it drips out clean and let the componenets dry for a day before reassembly.

Congrats on your find.


New member
"Gun Scrubber" oughtta do a pretty good job on that trigger...

then some Breakfree CLP or RemOil...

fine weapon... enjoy it! shoot it often...


New member
One trigger manufacturer (Jewell?) recomends using lighter fluid...says it has the added effect of (light) lubrication...

I usually just use Gun Scrubber spray until clean...

I'm pretty sure you could also just soak the thing in one of the popular bore cleaners (Hoppes 9, M-Pro7, Butch's), and then spray it out...but as a disclaimer, I've been wrong before!


...ya don't need to go that far, and it's a PIA to put back together. If it's that bad, you may be better off replacing it.

Hope this helps.



New member
PS.. gosh this is neat.. reminds me of a 21st century longrifle. Who needs evil black plastic?

Yes! A "21st century longrifle"! That is so true. I have my evil looking guns but I just can't fall in love with plastic.
Lighter fluid is pure naptha. It won't provide much lubrication for long. It evaporates readily, and leaves no residue that I've ever been able to notice.

I use it for degreasing.

sleeping dog

New member
A $2 spray can of brake parts cleaner will get that trigger assembly clean. When you're done with it, all lubrication will be gone, so you'll need to oil it.



New member
Sleeping Dog is on the right track. Get some brake cleaner, and compressed air and blow it out, then you could drench the whole assembly in gun lube and use the compressed air to blow it clean. Good as new.