Two favourites

Amin Parker

New member
My favourite 9mm pistol in the world is without doubt the Fn High Power. I love these pistols and am a passionate collector/owner/shooter of these fine pistols. I carry one daily and depend on them for protection.

Over the years and lots and lots of range time during practice and competition, the cz 75 has really earned my respect. So much so that i regard it the very best high cap 9mm. It is just such a great pistol and the one i recommend the most.

These pistols are equally reliable, the Fn is more beautiful, points better and feels like a working piece of art. The cz feels like its purpose built, rugged. It almost challenges me to try and shoot it until it breaks.

How many of you have 2 favourites in the same category of pistols? One you are passionate about and another thats so good that it has earned respect.


New member
since I don't give a rats a$$

I own a pair of EAA Witnesses I use for 9x19 (mostly; one also gets run in 9x21, 40 S&W, and 41 AE).

They fit my hands, and shoot reliably and accurately.
I had a 9x19 1911 I customized, and had it pistolsmithed further at EGW, but sold it because my Witnesses worked better for me.

One of my 9x19 Witnesses has refused to even flinch under my onslaught of 'Major Nine' ammo, or my test and development cycles, or my extensive rd-ct for fun, profit, and competition, for seventeen years and well over 70K (100K? 120K? lots...) through it.
It has not been detail-stripped since it got hardchromed in 1995/96. Ever.

The HP feels funny in my hands.

Witness (metal old 'small' frames) = CZ 75 clone.

(I have one in 45 ACP, too = CZ97, except it feeds HPs).


New member
I guess the closest comparison I can come up with out of my safe are my two 10mm pistols.

I got the S&W 1006 first... my buddy bought it new in '92 and sold it to me in '94 and I've had it ever since. Save for a 3 boxes of factory ammo and a few small boxes of defense ammo, I've crafted all the ammunition it's ever eaten. I have some kind of attraction to this handgun -- the way it looks, the build quality, the feel of every moving part, I'm absolutely in love with it.

Much of it is substance -- it's a quality build, feels like a tank and rock solid. It runs with aplomb and will do whatever you ask of it. It's smooth where it should be, rough where it needs to be and handsome all over. It's eaten a few thousand rounds but still looks nearly new. We all have different reasons for loving this or that particular firearm, but this one holds a special place for me. It's not an antique or an heirloom but it evokes and emotional response when I see and hold it.

On the other hand is my Glock 29. It's my daily carry. It was born ugly in every dimension, there's nothing that my eyes can see about this pistol that's visually gratifying. About two weeks after I got it, I had a buddy (more skilled than myself) take a dremel to it, to give me some more room for the middle finger of my shooting hand under the trigger guard. Also wiped the hook from the bottom of the front of the trigger guard. You can tell it's seen a dremel -- and these marks look right at home on a tupperware tool.

The trigger is OEM Glock, 5.5 lbs... and feels like it. Lots of springy take-up, breaks like the stock trigger on a Glock. (you know what I mean) Not like breaking a glass rod... more like stepping on a piece of old plexiglass.

But the way this pistol shoots is astonishing... I can easily outshoot my 1006 with it using the same ammunition, switching back and forth on the same range day. It's got a shorter barrel fer cryin' out loud. You know what else is hard to believe? Less felt recoil with the G29 than with my tank 1006. No, really. No BS here. I believe it's the flex of the polymer frame and the fact that the chamber is much lower in my hand and much less forward on the G29 than it is on the 1006.

It does not EVER stop running... no jams, no FTF (feed or fire), no FTE, no stovepipes and it tosses brass so consistently that it's eerie. (the S&W tosses them everywhere) And I can shoot one-inch groups with it at 7 yards. I've put a few boxes of factory carry ammo through it, and a couple thousand handloads through it. It EATS and it's hungry for more.

I don't care for the hump on the back of the OEM Glock grip frame... but I'm afraid to have it altered because I shoot it so darn well! I hated the OEM sights but a set of Meprolight night sights has allowed me to wring accuracy from a short barreled flame thrower that's hard to understand. I needed the Pearce grip extensions -- perhaps more so than ANYTHING, and they allow me to hold it properly.

It's fun to shoot and it's got 110% of my confidence in it. This pistol seems to love me even more than I love it. That's nuts!


New member
The BHP and CZ are a pair of my faves. Sigs 226's handling and The G19's wt. and compactness gives me a double deuce of 9s I feel comfy with.

Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello. I share your fondness for both the Hi Power and the CZ-75, though my CZ's are all Pre-B's. I have fired more than a few rounds through these pistols over a period of about 4 decades for the Hi Power and maybe half that with the CZ's. Like other designs, each has its strong and not-so-strong characteristics, but for me, each of these brings considerably more positive traits with them than negative and I just don't get tired of shooting them.

I would trust either for self-protection of myself and/or loved ones.


John Eastwood

New member
CZ-75/BHP: I ask her out on a date and treat her with the respect she deserves.

Glock 19: I rent her for the night, get what I need, then leave before breakfast.