Two dead in foiled home invasion


New member

Shontel Lee Early, 30, and Wesley Oran Fenstermacher, 29, were shot and killed by a 23-year-old UA student early this morning in an attempted home invasion near the intersection of North Tyndall Avenue and East Adams Street.

"At about 12:38 this morning (the student) told the 911 dispatcher that two unknown men broke into his home and that he shot both of them," said Sgt. Fabian Pacheco, public information officer for the Tucson Police Department.

According to Pacheco, the victim was at home and heard a knock at the door. The victim, who is a gun owner, retrieved a weapon and proceeded to open the door.

An unknown man asked the victim if another individual was home. The victim said no such person lived at the address. Directly behind the first man was a second man. This person was wearing a bandana that covered his face and was armed with a handgun. At this point the victim attempted to close the door and retreat into the house. The two suspects forced their way into his residence, and the victim shot and killed them both.

The victim has been released and has not been charged with anything as of press time.

"He is not a suspect … He cooperated with the investigation and didn't appear to do anything wrong. He was in his home, and he protected himself. Probably, had he not done what he did, he probably would have been dead right now," Pacheco said.

Due to the ongoing investigation, no information could be disclosed as to whether the victim had any formal weapons training, although Pacheco added, "Obviously he did have some experience and training in the use of handguns."

Pacheco said students should take a serious look to make sure they follow simple safety guidelines, such as checking to see if the deadbolts on their doors are functional or buying locks for sliding glass doors. However, Pacheco said that once individuals force their way into a person's home, all bets are off.

"You have to protect yourself. I can't tell you really what to do in every given situation; each individual has to make a choice depending on how comfortable you are … with a handgun … But you still have to be reasonable in the level and amount of deadly force you use … It was a very violent encounter, and he reacted the best way he could," Pacheco said.

Early and Fenstermacher had extensive criminal records, starting in 1997, court records show. Early had been cited in 15 instances, mostly traffic violations. Fenstermacher had been cited for eight instances, and was arrested and served jail time for a criminal trespassing violation in 2004.

Well this goes to show that even 20-something age college kids are responsible enough to own and use firearms. Perhaps they'll change the no weapons on campus policy? After all, theres a no breaking and enterting, trespassing, and armed robbery law on the books, but it seems like Mr's. Early and Fenstermacher didn't really care...


New member
That was a refreshing read. Good on the student, I'm sorry he had to go through this but unless we hear more it sounds about as clean as it gets. I hope he is okay with what needed to be done and he moves on without regret. More, I am inclined to write a letter of thanks to Sgt. Pacheco. That was a terrific explanation of a defensive shooting if I've ever seen one, showing strong respect for the rights to bear arms and defend oneself.


New member
They said on the news that the guy was a former Marine. Which probably implies that he had been to Iraq, Or Afghanistan. And the two idiots certainly looked like undesirables from their pictures.
Way To Go!

Wish more students and police Chiefs would act/feel this way, we need to clean the gene pool and get back to common sense values and get away from all the political correctness. :D
Thanks for the links. No new info in any of those either. Hopefully things will get a bit more detailed soon. I hope it is just as it appears. An innocent man defending his home and his life against a couple home invaders.


New member
I hope homeowners do this everytime criminals make the mistake of knocking on someones door.

Maybe then,a honest job would look better to them.


New member
SteelJM1: UA's got a Semper Fi club, or at least had one at some point. Sure they'd know if it doesn't get released. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd offer to Paypal the first round. (If you find out, though, I wouldn't post specifics up out of respect for the guy's privacy.)


New member
Hey guys.. since I just moved to AZ, im not sure, but are shooters in self-defense/ castle doctrine cases protected from civil suits from the perpetrator or their families?


New member
Great story and it should be a cautious tale for any one that thinks their protection is something that is better left up to the police.
well...., i live near enough to Tucson (30 miles to UA) to buy the man a drink or two.

Are there any associated press links or other news sources where we can view this story?

actually this story is pretty much hidden around here, we have two liberal news papers and three liberal TV stations and not one of them featured this story as they do with a truck loaded with 30+ illegals rolling over in a police/BP chase. i called one TV station about it's lack of coverage and their reply was, "it's not that big of a news event". i guess if the student was killed and the perps got away it would have made front page headlines, the problem i see here is that if the story was properly written, it would make the student and the gun look too good to the public and national news media and that would be BAD for the gun hating liberals