Two belly bands at once?


New member
I like my Defender belly-band. Has anyone ever tried wearing two at once, so you could carry two guns?

Good idea? Bad?


New member
No, but I've tucked more than one gun in the same belly band, like an NAA Mini in the mag slot, or a larger gun opposite the main, just tucked in (mainly just for fun, it doesn't retain well like that).

You can just sew in another holster if you want to pack another gun.


New member
I have 2 holster on mine. Carry a SW442 and Kel P32. I used 2 uncle mikes I got from the used holster bin. Works okay sometimes, most of time i use Smart Carry.


New member
The one I have has a pocket for one gun and two mags on either side, but I have never filled it to capacity.


New member
There used to be a gentleman on this forum, Gunslinger, who sold bellybands. He had a "2-gun" model he offered as a special order. I don't think he sells any of them any longer.

I've got one of his standard 1-gun models... I prefer to use it for the BUG and IWB the bigger one...


New member
I use one of Gunslinger's 2 gun bellybands. Unfortunatly for us all Gunslinger passed away earlier this year. He was a great guy.

He was a distributor, the manufacturer of the bellyband is a company called Be Secure. I have no idea how to contact them.

I always carry my 1911 on my strong side. I don't usually carry a spare gun on the off side, but I have done it a few times. I may get a very small gun to carry in that pocket as a 24/7 backup gun to my 1911.

When my company made a new No-Weapons at work policy, (you get fired, even if you have a CCW) I carried 3 guns for a while. Just out of spite. One on each hip in my bellyband, second belly band around my torso. Heck, one of the guns was a 6' bbl. model 1917. :p


New member
Heck, one of the guns was a 6' bbl. model 1917.

Wow, a six foot long barrel. That is huge. Wyatt Earp and Dirty Harry would be envious!;)

(Don't you hate it when other people catch your typos?)


New member
I thought that some bellybands had multiple pockets, for those who like cross draw or strong side carry.
Besides, when you wear 2 bellybands, aren't you really wearing a girdle?:p


New member
No sane person would mess with Correia even if he was without a gun. He is a BIG guy. Larry, you crack me up. Three guns including a six inch revolver. You are my hero! Watch-Six


New member
Sundance, ' or " whoops! :p Either way it is a big gun, just the ' would qualify it for shore bombardment.

It is good to be big. Helps conceal your weapons better. I admit that the 1917 under my armpit was a bit of overkill, and even then I had to do the "layered" look with a heavy open shirt over my t-shirt. :) Damn stupid corporate policy.

Back on topic though, if you can find a Be Secure bellyband, they are really well made. My first one lasted about 2 years before it finally started getting worn out. That was 2 years of hard use, which isn't bad for a $30 item. If you can find one, go for it. They are great.