Twist rate on xp-100


New member
I do not know for sure,but I am inclined to say 1 in 14.

I had a fellow tell me his XP-100 would not hit a mattress at 100 yds.I replied I have a high degree of confidence it will shoot sub 2 MOA.He handed it to me,with a box of black and white .223 55gr ball Win ammo.
It had been rechambered.

Sure enough,the 55 gr ball went through the target sideways.

I loaded up some 52 gr Matchkings,and 10 shots at 200 yds cut a "Y" in the target about #/4 wide and 1 1/4 tall.

I realize,a short bbl is fewer RPM,but early AR-15's were 1 in 12 and they stabilize 55 gr just fine.


New member
Thanks, Bud - Hi-bc - i just bought one, originally 221 - re-chambered to 223.

Was wondering if the twist rates are compatible, for shooting 40 to 55 grain weight bullets.

I'll probably have the gun rebarreled and chambered to 223 AI.


Bud Helms

Senior Member
Yes, after some research (and not memory), I believe Relentless Pursuit and HiBC are correct. 1:14

Nosler Reloading manual #3, shows .221 Fireball loads fired from an "XP-100 test barrel" in 1:12. However, it seems 1:14 was the twist rate for production XP-100s chambered in .221 Fireball.


New member
R.P., I have a benchrest rifle chambered in 6mmAI - great round.

I had a Savage striker, in 22-250, muzzel blast was fierce, sold that, always wanted a XP-100 - this won happened along, i think i'm going to turn it into a project gun.

I also like the fact that i can get premium brass chambered in 223.

I've a S/S 700 s/a wearing a 5 contoured Shilen 1-10",chambered 6mmRem AI and fed via HS DBM in a McMillan HTG. Hate the chambering and much prefer the 243AI(greater COAL latitudes,better manners,less ES,yada,yada).

I've (9) 223AI's currently and am sorta sweet on the chambering. Your XP midgrip or rear?..............