Twelve-year-old shoots bad guy during burglary.


New member
Came down as a home invasion but there was only one perp. More likely a burglary and he didn't know two things:

1. The home was occupied.

2. The occupant was armed and willing to shoot him.

She managed to wound him when he started to open the door where she was hiding.


12-Year-Old Girl Shoots Intruder During Home Invasion In Bryan County

Posted: Oct 18, 2012 5:21 PM MDT Updated: Oct 19, 2012 1:19 PM MDT
By Chris McKinnon, News 9


It happened on Wednesday when the girl was home alone. She told police a stranger rang the doorbell, then went around to the back door and kicked it in. She called her mom, Debra St. Clair, who told her to get the family gun, hide in a closet and call 911.



New member
My wife and I had a discussion just the other night about things we'll teach our child (still don't know if it will be a boy or girl, but will find out in December...).

My wife, having grown up on a farm, intends to teach the child how to drive a tractor fairly early on, as well as how to handle horses and dogs, and of course basic first aid. (My wife is a former pro horse breeder/trainer and show jumper, and she's an RN.)

I'll teach him or her how to shoot. But, if it's a girl, I will also teach her some very nasty and effective ways to quickly disable a male. While people expect a girl to kick for the groin, if I have a daughter, my little darlin' will be learning thumb gouges to the eyes, plus body twist powered finger breaks.

Both the wife and I were top level academic performers, so of course school work will also be emphasized, but we fully intend to have a kid who has some very strong practical skills, and the independence of thought to use them as necessary.


New member
But, if it's a girl, I will also teach her some very nasty and effective ways to quickly disable a male. While people expect a girl to kick for the groin, if I have a daughter, my little darlin' will be learning thumb gouges to the eyes, plus body twist powered finger breaks.

Two words MlLeake..........

Krav Maga.

My niece is scary quick. :eek:


New member
The mother deserves credit for telling the girl to arm herself.

Yes, the mother deserves much credit.

Not only for telling the girl to arm herself, but for having the mindset as a parent to have a gun in the house for protection in the first place. Too, it sounds as though the little girl may have had some knowledge as to how to use it.
If that's the case, and mom showed her, more kudo's to the mom for that.

I know mom is very proud of her brave little girl. Poor girl had to be scared to death and was still able to follow excellent directions given to her by mom. Hell, I don't even know the little girl and am proud of her. :D

Just very glad this senseless event had the outcome it did and the perp gets the rest of what's coming to him.

Every now and again, someone opens a thread here on TFL in which their spouse doesn't want guns in the house(especially if there are kids in the house) and the OP comes here for advice on how to persuade the spouse to allow guns in the house.

Well...this event should be the 'poster' response to the 'anti' spouse and shown to those against having a gun in the house for protection.


New member
Great outcome. Sadly, the preps helicopter ride will cost about as much as the trial and if it was denied because of the circumstances it could have cost way more in the long run! :confused:
Here in MN and many other states the 12 year old being able to access a firearm in the home could be a crime. :(


New member

Guess I should have watched the vid. on this all the way through.

This POS(Stacy Jones) was arrested in 2011 for abducting a 17yr. old mentally challenged girl.

Makes ya wonder why he was on the street in the first place to do this second act of terrorizing this 12yr old.

Our court system REALLY HAS TO CHANGE to keep these dregs of society off the streets longer.:mad:


New member
egor20, long time aikidoka, sometime jujutsu and kenpo practitioner; I'd probably start her out with finger-locks. Even little kids can mess up an adult with those, if done properly.