Turnaround time on Virginia permits?


New member
Quick question: how long is the normal wait for a concealed handgun permit from VA? (Both resident and non-res)

We're planning to move there later this year, but I thought I'd get ahead of the process with a non-resident permit application.

Has anybody applied recently? If so, what were the turnaround times like?




New member
i want to say that they're supposed to be approved within 45 days. some counties are faster, some wait until the last minute to mail them out to you. i got mine back in 2000 and have since moved so i don't have one from VA currently.


New member
45 days is a statutory maximum amount of time it should take. But I've never heard of it taking that long. I live in Newport News, and mine took 29 days, and Newport News is notoriously slow.


New member
mine took quite a bit longer,

I had let mine expire, actually over 1 year, & my renewal took almost 3 months.

I applied first week of November & it wasn't approved until the end of January I recieved it just before Feb.

I had not been carrying for years, & a shooting incident at a store parking lot, on other side of parking lot, made me do some serious thinking, & renewed my interest & permit. All I could think of is me without a gun, & glad it wasnt happening to me, & I wouldnt be in that situation again.


MC 1911

New member
In Fairfax county they allow 45 days and in my experience it will get there on the 45th day. Some areas may be faster.

357 Python

New member
I don't want to see you pay twice for essentially the same thing. Instead of getting a non resident permit now and a resident permit later, why not get a place (on paper) then apply for the resident permit as you are physically moving? You can also take a course on line so you can have that ready when you do apply. Where in Virginia are you considering? There are many good locations in Virginia. Also Virginia is an open carry state so you don't have to worry to much in the summer.


New member
She's taking her RN boards sometime next month, so she can't apply yet.

Her first choice is the University of Virginia hospital, so we are probably looking a little bit south of Albermarle County; she has other possibilities in the Charlottesville area, and one down in Roanoke.

We have horses, so we are looking at areas where 10-20 acres is (relatively) affordable.

I am not sure if my Florida non-res permit would cover the initial delay, while waiting for a Virginia resident permit, or if Virginia requires residents to have the VA permit. (If they'd honor my Florida while my Virginia application was in progress, that would be ideal.)

I'm a pilot, with military background, so in case anything happens with my current job (government contract, so it's only good for as long as the contracts get renewed), we'd also prefer to be within reasonable commuting distance of airports, state and or federal government jobs.


New member
Roanoke and Charlottesville are both nice areas, not sure how far out it would be for a moderate priced 10 acre lot. As far as federal government type jobs go, Hampton Roads and Northern VA have the most. State jobs obviously in Richmond.


New member

Welcome! Like it was previously posted, they have 45 days to respond in one of two ways 1) either you are denied 2) you are approved. If they go over the 45 days (which happens sometimes) you can go down to the court and get a temp permit (from what I've seen people post)...only took me 2 weeks for it to get issued...but they couldn't get ahold of me (so they said), so I didn't get it for 43 days. Usually the time it takes will vary depending on which county you live in. Also depending on the county, you may have to go down to the circuit court and pick it up or they mail it out. Some counties require fingerprints...some don't. If you are military, I believe your military ID is good enough to show competence with a firearm, if not then I believe you have to show some sort of firearms training certificate...I think a DD214 from an honorable discharge from the military will work also...but I'm not sure on that. There is also a Virginia Gun Owners forum here: http://vagunforum.net/ Some good information and conversations for Va specific things. Once again, welcome to VA (when you get here)! Hopefully I got everything right!!


New member
Mine has always been done within 2-3 weeks. The first time and a couple of renewals. Now I think it's good for 5 years. Last time I did it a couple of months early just in case, still took the same ol 2-3 weeks.


New member
When you get to Virginia, please let me know if I can assist you with any training needs.



chris in va

New member
Depends on the county/area.

I got mine back in 2003, in PWC (Northern VA). They sent it out on the 44th day.:rolleyes:

I've heard reports of a week in the more rural areas.


New member
It depends on politics and the size of the county.

Arlington County is a 'People's Democratic Republic' and will use all 45 days, and try for more.

Fairfax County is very large and also bumps the 45 day limit.

More rural counties are sometimes pretty fast.


New member
In Henrico county both my carry conceal permit and my wife’s took less than a month from the time the paper was submitted to the time I got the letter telling me to come back in and pick up my permit.


New member
From what I get it depends on what County your applying in. A guy I know mailed his stuff in (to Stafford County) and got it back in about 25 days. I sent mine in to Fairfax County and it took about 45 or so days. If you go in and hand deliver the stuff your 45 days starts then. I don't know how long the mail took to deliver my application to the court house and then how long it took coming back.

Good luck

Mr. James

New member
My renewal in Fairfax County took 44 days . . . then the court clerk's office waited exactly one week after issuing it to put it in the self-addressed stamped envelope I supplied for the purpose and mail it to me. So, it took me 54 days to actually get my renewal in hand. :mad:

You'll probably have better luck living outside Charlottesville, Roanoke or even in Albermarle Co.

Please do check out the Virginia Citizen's Defense League, or VCDL, as Hobie suggests. Great organization, and an extremely effective advocate for gun rights.

Welcome to the Old Dominion, MLeake!!