Turkey forcast for the area


New member
many have been spotted on the way into work on my road. Several have been seen hanging around Bills front yard eating his garden and any new seed he plants. Project turkey is under way, entice them to my food plot planted just for them, but how? Bills garden is much more tasty and closer to the roost mom turkey uses.

Walk across the road to Daves place, entice his dog (English mastiff) to follow me to Bills and chase turkeys down towards my place. :) worked for now, bill is happy, food plot is getting used and next season turkeys will be plentifull and in the freezer for eating pleasure.


New member
I need to take some pics of the huge flocks I am seeing this year. They tend to gather and destroy around here. A garden will be done in minutes if left alone.

That dog looks a lot like Ol Grizz. Scary when he runs out in the road while I am on my motorcycle.


New member

Went most of the summer and saw only a few poults, and began to believe that we had a bad hatch due to wet spring.

Just recently though, I am starting to see pheasant sized birds and larger here and there and I guess it'll be OK. Still, lots of mature hens w/ few birds of the year and overall a disappointment.

Most positive were the gobbler sightings after the season closed and the toms' were still ranging, but relatively silent.

You begin to wonder, did somebody kill that bird? And you get a glimpse, and you think, by golly, next year........I'll fix him.


Well in north-central PA there is an abundance of them this year. Not sure why, must have had good hatches in spring of 08 & 09.

In central florida its way to hot to start looking for me. And wet.....:cool:

Hey 2rugers, are those Rio Grande turkeys?