Tumbler question


New member
My Frankford Arsenal tumbler seems to do a much better job on the brass, and it does it much quicker, if it has lots of media and brass in it. I'm guessing that lots of brass allows the cases to vibrate against themselves more.

Is there an ideal amount of media/brass that works best for you?
I don't have that brand of tumbler. I do have a vibrating tumber. I load the bowl about 2/3 full of brass then cover it with media to about 3/4" from the top of the rim. Mine is a fairly large unit. With 9mm brass it is about 5-6oo pieces at a time. I don't count the amount. I just look to see how much the bowl is filled. This seems to be an amout that works best for me. More brass does work faster than only say 100 pieces. I do separate the brass by caliber to prevent them from getting stuck together. YMMV.


New member
I fill the container 1/2 full of brass then add medium with the vibrator running so that the combination is moving well within the vibrator, it's normally about ¾’ full.
Another neat trick that I learned at TFL is to cut up dryer sheets and put them in the cleaner while you’re cleaning brass. It picks up a lot of the dust and crud and extends the life span of the cleaner.
If you don’t want that fresh outdoor smell use used sheets, my wife would kill me if I used her new sheets. Trust me it works.