Tulsa Gun Show


New member
The big 4000+ table Tulsa Gun Show is Oct. 20th - 21st! Damn good show, and i have that weekend off this time!!!:p You owe it to yourself to see this one...


I've haven't been in a few years - it's always during hunting season - this year will be no different - I'll be in the woods UNLESS it's too hot - then I may hit the Tulsa show. It's definitely 10 times better than normal shows - you will see some crazy expensive shizzle.


New member
I never go to the show in October but I haven't missed the April show but once since 1994. That was the year my daughter got married and I was poor as an outhouse rat....trying to pay for a wedding!! I have bought a lot of guns and stuff at that show! The first time you go to the Wannamacher show, in Tulsa, it will take your breath away!! Awesome gun show!!:D


New member
I'm just the oppisite, i for some reason like the fall show. They are both good shows, and 11 acres of guns! :eek: And i'll say it again, i'm off work that weekend!!! Had to work the spring weekend last April...:barf:


New member
I go see it every time.

This time I get in free because the company I work for (Albert G's BBQ) is catering part of the show, and I have to get in to deliver the food. We also get a bunch of free passes for Sunday too. : )

Definitely the place to find what you're looking for.


New member
I grew up in that part of the country and have been to a number of them with my dad and grandfather. The problem is that the show is TOO BIG.:eek: It takes all day to see everything, if you keep moving; and if you want to go back to something you saw before, it takes an hour to find it. 1,000 table shows are just the right size.:)


It takes all day to see everything, if you keep moving; and if you want to go back to something you saw before, it takes an hour to find it.

It really takes a day and a half to two days to walk it, if you go fairly slowly. You have to speed-walk to see it one day. Lol, a few years ago, I walked the show, then when I got to the end, looking back on everything I saw, I decided what I wanted to spend my money on. This was about 2:30 on Sunday. I looked and looked and could never find the booth where I wanted to buy before I had to go around 4:00. :(


New member
I just got in to Oklahoma, and heard about this show, maybe I will buy my first gun there :p At least something! Ammo prices any good?


New member
It takes me every bit of two days, i look in every nook and cranny, and i still have friends ask did you see the table with all the xyz stuff. I was looking for one of thoes where in the **** was it! Its also a history lesson each time i go. I need to get back to having a table there, because there is a lot that goes on Friday night before the show opens on Saturday, between dealers!


New member
The ammo prices at the Tulsa show will be at least as good as anywhere else. I have found great ammo deals from both small and large dealers. It's one show you have to go to at least once in your life. I try to go every year but have been inconsistent in the last 3 years.


New member
Look for the blaze orange HSM booth for some smokin deals on ammo.

Last time it was $7 for 50 .357 magnum rounds and 70 bucks for 500 .40 S&W.

I had 2 duds with the .357, but the .40 was just fine. It's remanufactured ammo, which is why it's so cheap.