Tuckable IWB - PLEASE help!


New member
OK. After spending ALL DAY online researching these things, I THINK (Hope) I've narrowed it down.

1) Fist Seems the best choice because they use THIN kydex.

2) Blade-tech I'm not so sure of this one. I've read lots of great things regarding quality, but lots of negatives about the THICKNESS of it, which is why I'm drawn to #1. BUT, I do like that it extends the kydex to the top of the gun, completely protecting the gun from your skin. The Fist doesn't seem to have this, but hopefully I can get them to make it.

3) Comp-tac Seems nice, price is good, but again, no sweat panel. They could add it on demand??? How thick is their kydex?

PLEASE Help me decide!

Oh, here's an important thing; gun is a Beretta 96.


juliet charley

New member
I've found kydex--in all its forms--is uncomfortable for me IWB. There is a holster-maker in Texas (Gallagher--I would have to do some research) that makes a good "tuckable" leather holster.


New member
Thanks Pan. Does the kydex extend fully up to shield the gun from your skin? How thick is the kydex, and how thick is the whole rig?

As I said, the thickness seems to be the main complaint about the Blade-Tech.



New member
I really don't appreciate posts like this after I paid a hundred and something bucks and waited like 4 months for my Milt Sparks Versa Max 2!!!

Just kidding. I have a VM-2 (for my P99) and a Galco Deep Cover (for my J-frames). The holsters you cite look good. My only problem with numbers 2 and 3 is that the Comp Tac seems a little obvious as a tuckable due to having a belt loop rather than an under the belt clip, and I can't tell whether the Blade Tech has a loop or a clip. If you want a tuckable, get one with an under the belt clip.


New member
Also, what guns is the Fist available for? The model seems like a Kahr, but it doesn't say what other guns it's available for.

Eric Larsen

New member
Ive had Cen Dex, Bladetech and a cheap no name Kydex IWB holsters. The Bladetech is a little thicker but not enough to even matter and it was the UCH..the tuckable. It was the only one to have the higher back that kept the gun away from you. This is to keep the safety from rubbing on you and getting knocked "off", if you carry Cond. 1. I highly recommend the B/tech and Cen Dex both are quality rigs..Id have to give the nod to the B/tech...very comfortable carry for Kydex and it had an adjustable cant..standard or FBI.
They are all thin enough not to worry about it IMO and I found the Bladetech would move less when practicing drawing the gun in a quick fashion...not that Im that quick :D
Shoot well

McKamie Wilson

New member

I've tried several of the "plastic" holsters, but in an IWB configuration they are all basically just high-tech sweat generators. Almost all holsters work on cold days, but on those hot, humid days of July and August... that's when you understand why they still make leather holsters.

Try Don Hume, Tucker Gunleather, Milt Sparks, and High Noon. They are quality products. They will protect you and protect your weapon. Try one.

Mac :)


New member
I don't think the plastic holsters are a good choice. In particular, I don't think they are a choice at all for IWB.

I am using a Galco Deep Cover tuckable for my Para C7 and am satisfied with it. It does what it is supposed to do. I second JC's recommendation about talking to Derry Gallagher about one of his tuckables. I have several of his horsehide holsters and intend to order one of his tuckables when my tax refund finally lands. His work is outstanding and you have it built to your needs and specifications.



New member
Might I ask why the aversion to kydex? Because of the sweat factor? How well does leather hold up to this?



New member
I use the Comp-Tac shirt tucker a lot, even for times I don't tuck my shirt in. Overall I'm very pleased with it. The only drawback is that when you bend at the waist your gun can print because of where it's positioned. It's not usually a problem if you're aware of it and you're careful.


New member

Of the 3 choices you mention, the Comp-Tac Shirt Tucker is overall thinnest, since the "clip attachment arm" doesn't lie directly over the holster body. Blade-Tech, FIST, Mitch Rosen and several other makers' "tuckable" holsters all have this as an issue.

You need to mention which gun you intend to get the holster made for, since certain "tuckable" designs work better with bigger or heavier guns.

The Shirt Tucker rear portion covers almost every square millimeter of the gun, making it in effect a "sweat shield". I have three of them, and they all completely protect the gun from perspiration.

Another choice you didn't mention, but a good one, is Tucker Gunleather's Heritage, which uses a double clip attachment. It's very stable, and not bulky. It's similar to Derry Gallegher's Tuckable, but less expensive. Check www.tuckergunleather.com for pix and more information.


New member
One more thing: Sawbones: You have the comp-tac?

How do you like it? And it does indeed have a sweat shield? How stable is it? Doesn't seem like it would be that stable since the arm isn't over the sheath.


New member
Hi drjones;
The Comp-Tac Shirt Tucker is stable in about a 15 degree cant with heavier guns (like the Beretta), but not with teensy guns (like the Kahr MK9), with which the holster tends to shift up to a straight drop attitude, at least for me. This isn't a big deal, but I prefer my sidearm not to shift at all.

As I said, it DOES have a sweat shield. At least the three I have ALL cover the guns they're for, and protect the gun from me, and me from the gun. Still, I prefer to wear a sleeveless t-shirt ("wife-beater") under my tuckable holsters. Best.


New member
Obviously all you boys who bitch about the kydex dont sweat much. Must have a nice cushy office job in air conditioning. :) Leather IWB is fine in the winter, but forget it in the summer if you do sweat. I work outside in all weather and in the summer my Galco IWB would sweat through and never dry out. Kydex is the only way to go here. I also take it you dont wear a undershirt. Seems to me, no matter what the holster was made of, it would be very uncomfortable without a tee shirt on. The tee shirt stops all that chaffing caused by the holster. The kydex is also better here since it "slides" over wet skin, rather than grabing it like damp or wet leather. Not that I want to deal with either.


Go with the sweat shield, it goes a long way in protecting you and the gun. I use a Blade-Tech IWB (not the tuckable). The gun stays dry, all but the grip panel. Blade-Tech makes good stuff.


New member
I have the Comp-tac under cover model and I had the UCH (tuckable Blade Tech one). I got rid of the blade tech one, because I did not care about tuckable, and it was longer and thicker than the non tuckable ones. That was the only reason, it was an excellent quality holster. Then I decided to give the Comp-Tac one a try. If you just order the IWB one it does have a sweat panel, but was a bit too small for me (they made it smaller for comfort). My skin wrapped around the holster when pressed against me and touched the slide. So I had them make one for me with the sweat panel slightly larger than they normally do.

Here are pics of my Comp-Tac holster:




I had them make the back panel a little bigger to fully cover the slide, then when I got it, I heated that area and curved it around the rear of the slide a little to make it more comfortable..

Jay C

New member
YZ guy

who put the sights on your Kel Tec. It is a Kel Tec right? i'd love to have my P32 to have those. Thanks!