Tubb's Final Finish


New member
Any opinions or users of the Tubb's Final Finish product??? Can be used for any barrel they claim and is good for barrel breakin as well??


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I've used it to clean up the pits in some pre-war European commercial rifles. It doesn't remove the pits, but it cleans them out and smoothes them over, so accuracy is restored.


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I used it on a new varmint-weight 22-250 M70. The results weren't as good as I'd hoped. Have had sporter weight rifles in same caliber that shot better. Will not use it again.


New member

Why are you considering fire-lapping the bore? Is this a new barrel? What kind of rifle are we talking about, and what is the intended pupose of the rifle (target shooting, hunting, etc.)? Please give us some more details.

As far as "breaking-in" a barrel, I'll tell you the least irritating way to do it: shoot about 150 rounds! :)


New member
Fremmer, I have an old Rem 700 in 7mm Rem Mag that has a very bad throat with marginal accuracy. Bought it second hand years ago, but has gotten so bad with fouling that it ain't even fun to load. The Tubb's system is supposed to remove most of the throat errosion, although, it will set back the throat about .025 according to them. Not a big deal. Just recalculate your OAL. Some benefits that I have read about and discussed with others is the fact that the Tubb's system is supposed to uniform the barrel and remove most of the tool marks and burrs found in the throat and rifling while only removing .0003 of metal. I found that when I bought my new BVSS Savage, the barrel was hosed out of the box, but they have since replaced it no question, so I know that things can happen. Further, I have followed Tubb's for years and am pretty confident that he would not develop and/or endorse a product that will hose your barrel. Just wanted some input from others that have either tried it or were thinking about it like me. My Savage is new and Rem 700 next stop will be barrel replace or something so I thought trying the system on it couldn't hurt. Thanks for input


New member
You mention lots of fouling; is it possible that you have a bunch of copper built up in the bore? Maybe you could try a strong copper remover to see if it makes a difference. If you've determined that the Remington barrel is inaccurate due to erosion, I don't understand how removing even more metal w/fire lapping will help -- IIRC, fire-lapping is supposed to smooth things out, and I don't see how you can smooth metal that has already eroded away. On the other hand, if you're going to replace the barrel anyway, I suppose fire-lapping can't really hurt. Make sure you let us know the results!

I don't think I'd fire-lapp the Savage. It has a new barrel, and you didn't state that accuracy is a problem. If it shoots well, I'd avoid removing metal from the bore by fire-lapping (thereby decreasing barrel life). Just take it to the range and shoot the heck out of it!


New member
I cant' see any sound reason to take a new barrel and start firing rounds coated in abrasive up it. None of the guys who make the most accurate barrels there are have anything good to say about it and they must surely know better than the rest of us!
You know Hart, Lilja, Shilen, Walther , etc etc


New member
Fremmer/Foxman, Will let you all know what the result is. After talking with Superior Shooting Systems, (Tubb's outfit) have decided to do the 7mm Rem Mag.. and see what happens. Will post when completed and test fired.