Ttn 1897 Sg


New member
Anyone here know anything about these Chinese imports? I did a search and came up empty. I caught a whiff here and there around the web--all the comments seem positive about fit and finish. I have no use for another shotgun, but my brother does. If I talk him into this one, then I get to shoot it and try that slam-action. Seems like it would be fun. Anyone own one, shoot one? Does anyone have particulars? How bout a source for a mag extension or different chokes? Would it be possible to get a real 1897 Winnie for the same money? I really doubt it, but it's worth asking. TIA


New member
Norinco imports/makes the 1897 model. Some original Winchesters can be had, but you have to fight the cowboy action shooters away from them. Pre-64 Winchester Model 12's also will 'slam' fire, as will I believe older Ithaca 37's, and Winchester M42's. There is nothing to be really gained by slam fireing these guns other than to say that you have done it. I have a Win 97, a Pre-64 M12 and a M42, all are able to have the trigger held down and pumped and will fire. (slam fire) Unless you are extremely used to your gun it could be a safety issue. That is why they were re-engineered with trigger disconnects between shots.


New member
I looked at one at a cowboy shoot. It is not good as far as fit and finish. The guy said it shot ok. He got it because he could not find an original quick enough but as soon as he did he was going to sell it.

David Berkowitz

New member
If you want to check pricing on readily available 97s, you can go to, go to the classifieds on hte wire, and you should find some.
You will find a wide range of prices, but also a wide range of conditions.
I think all the prices will be on the high end, as this is the forum with the greatest demand.
You can also try I haven't been there in quite awhile. Sometimes you will find one, sometimes not.

I have heard that the TTN shotgun is different, possibly better, than the Norinco. Both are fairly close clones. The Norinco uses metric threads, the TTN does not. Some other minor differences, too.
Good luck