TSRA Alert: Anti-gun Activity Expected in U.S. Senate


New member
Flurry of Anti-Gun Activity Expected in U.S. Senate
Sun, 07 May 2000 08:49:07 -0700
TSRA Alert <alert@tsra.com>
Texas State Rifle Association

-- Texas State Rifle Association Email ---

May 6, 2000

Flurry of Anti-Gun Activity Expected in U.S. Senate

The U.S. Senate is expected to take action next week on S. 2.IS, "The
Educational Opportunities Act." Sponsored by Senator James Jeffords (R-Vt.),
the bill seeks to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of

Not wanting to miss any opportunity to load up pending legislation with anti-gun
amendments this election year, anti-gun Senators are poised to offer a slew of
restrictive "gun control" proposals to S. 2.IS. Amendments that could be
offered include: the Lautenberg gun show ban language; an import ban on
"high-capacity" magazines; the repeal of large parts of the 1986 Firearms
Owners' Protection Act (under the guise of Senator Schumer's [D-N.Y.] so-called
"ENFORCE" Act, which, in a classic "Catch-22," would shut down all
non-storefront FFLs and also classify many individuals who engage in occasional
sales as FFLs, thus precluding them from getting an FFL since they lack a
storefront business premise); a one-gun-a-month scheme; and a resolution that
advocates further limits on places where lawful permit holder could carry --
clearly intended to bolster Vice President Gore's recent political attacks on
Right To Carry laws.

While these and other amendments could be offered at any time, it certainly has
not been lost on anti-freedom Senators that the "Million Mom March" is but one
week away, and therefore, we expect these restrictive amendments to be offered
over the course of the next week and the week after to maximize media
coverage of the gun issue.

Please be sure to contact Senators Hutchison and Gramm, or at http://www.tsra.com/legalert.htm if you are not from Texas or you would rather
write, call, or fax. Urge them to oppose any and all gun control
amendments to the "Educational Opportunities Act." Ask them to concentrate
their efforts on enforcing existing laws against violent criminals.

Another way to contact any Senator from any state is to phone (202) 224-3121 and
ask for their office by name. There is also contact information available at http://www.NRAILA.org. Using this feature you can obtain your Senators' e-mail
addresses and e-mail them directly from our site.

Please visit the Texas State Rifle Association website: http://www.tsra.com/ If you wish to
unsubscribe from this email list, please send a message to

¡Viva la RKBA!
Bulldawg: NRA, GOA, TSRA, Shiner Bock Connoisseur.
Bulldawg's Firearms Page

Simon Yu

New member
What was the bill originally supposed to do before the anti-gun parts were added onto it? I'm planning to write a letter (though I doubt it'll do much good seeing as how I live in the People's Democratic Republic of Maryland) to Congress and the info might come in useful in it.

"I look at it this way . . . If it gets any worse I'll be too dead to care."

Simon Yu


Moderator Emeritus
Simon, here is the summary...

Educational Opportunities Act (Introduced in the Senate)

S 2 IS


1st Session

S. 2

To extend programs and activities under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.


January 19, 1999

Mr. JEFFORDS (for himself, Mr. GREGG, Mr. LOTT, Mr. MCCAIN, Mr. MACK, and Mr.
COVERDELL) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee
on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions


To extend programs and activities under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Educational Opportunities Act'.


Congress finds as follows:

(1) RETURNING CONTROL TO PARENTS- Parents have the primary
responsibility for their children's education. Parents are the first and best educators of
their children. Congress supports proposals which provide parents greater control to
choose new and unique opportunities to meet the educational need of their children.

(2) SUPPORTING EXCEPTIONAL TEACHERS- Every child should have an
exceptional teacher in the classroom. Congress supports rewarding teachers for their
successful efforts. Congress also believes in schools being more accountable to parents.
Every parent deserves to know if their child is being taught by a teacher who is highly

(3) SAFER AND MORE SECURE- Quality instruction and learning can only occur in
a first class school that is safe and orderly. No child can learn when schoolyards attract
random violence or classrooms are interrupted by disruptive behavior. Congress
supports proposals that give schools the tools the schools need to protect teachers and
students, remove disruptive influences, and create a positive learning atmosphere.

(4) DOLLARS TO THE CLASSROOM- Congress rejects a one-size-fits-all
approach to education. America's rural schools often face challenges quite different than
their urban counterparts. Congress believes that students should be the primary
beneficiaries of educational spending. Congress supports the goal of ensuring that the
maximum amount of Federal education dollars are spent directly in the classrooms.
State and local communities should have the freedom to tailor their education plans and
reforms according to the unique educational needs of their children.

(5) BASIC ACADEMICS- Success in education is best achieved when instruction is
focused on basic academics and fundamental skills. Students should no longer be
subjected to untried and untested educational theories of instruction, rather our Nation's
education efforts should be geared to proven methods of instruction.


The purpose of this Act is--

(1) to put our Nation's children first by creating first class schools because nothing is
more important to the future of our Nation than the education of its children;

(2) to give parents and local schools more control over their schools;

(3) to make our Nation's schools safe and secure, and return to an emphasis on basic
academic and quality instruction; and

(4) to support those exceptional teachers who make a difference in the lives of our
Nation's children.


The authorization of appropriations for, and the duration of, each program or activity under the
Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.) is extended
through fiscal year 2004.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Simon Yu

New member
A shame that all those riders were attached to it. Some parts of the original bill might have worked at least. Okay, time to start thinking about how to write this thing.

"I look at it this way . . . If it gets any worse I'll be too dead to care."

Simon Yu