Trying to make gun control a medical issue

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New member
A little surprised to find this article in heavily pro-gun Utah.
It looks like an AP article, (everybody who's surprised by THAT raise your hand), that was picked up by the local news.

I was in nursing a long time and this theory would surface now and again as far back as I can remember. Keep in mind most of the people in the medical industry , with the possible exception of doctors, are rabidly anti-gun.

This would normally merit a shrug of the shoulders and maybe rolling your eyes, old news, so what?
With the new healthcare laws around the corner, and one of our largest cities Mayor (New York)making nutty executive decisions about what is best for us (Sir! Sir! step away from the Big Gulp and slowly raise your hands!)this argument takes on a whole new life. How does "No we can't legally take away your guns but we are revoking the entire families health coverage" sound?
I know we have people with law experience on the quorum, can you guys comment?
We need to keep an eye on this, has anyone else seen this article?
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