Trying to learn about NVD's


New member
Anybody have night vision experience? I am starting to try an educate myself on the pros and cons of the different types. I have never used or even looked through any at all, and know nothing at this point.

I think I want a monocular type. It will be used for patrol at night for things like looking around the area when responding to alarms, 911 calls, and any time I need to approach a dark area and don't want to announce with a flash light that I am there yet. I am thinking a monocular would be good for this, because it is small and could be kept in a pocket or hang with a strap.

How bad is Gen 1? Is it worth it to spend the extra and get a Gen 2? I am not against spending the money if it is worth it.

How about brands? ATI seems to be one of the most commonly found ones.

Any experiences or suggestions are greatly appreciated!


New member
gen1 is pretty bad, low life, grainy resolution. purely recreational and throwaway after a couple of years (tops) of regular use.

gen2 is whole lot better and quite a bit longer in lifespan. stick with USA made
brand name and you should be good for light/medium duty and living in urban

gen3 is about the best for civilians, boaters, LEOs with about same/better life
than gen2. relatively good resolution. very well built if USA manuf

gen4 is only for those who are in demanding envionments. unlikely to be cost
effective in civilian settings

I'd recommend gen2 from ITT if in good shape. they used to have a 'seconds'
outlet on their web page. occasionally folks will trade/sell their gen2 for gen3
and you may be able to scarf up one of these on Ebay or ITT outlet.

I had an ITT monocular which was great; sold last year for about $600. Am
currently using a monocular system, PVS-14 which is great head/helmet mount
as well as weapon mount. Great in the palm of hand, too.
