Trying to figure out what the hell this is good for?


New member
i was just looking through the mossberg selection of firearms and saw this variation and was amazed... seems a bit much for a .17HMR.. could be wrong though


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New member
theirs some one out their that will buy anything just because. everyone knows thats over kill recoil damper and a huge scope . its really looks like a toy more then anything. but hey to each his own i guess


New member
never know, someday you may have to assassinate some high profile squirrel, this gun should com in handy for that


New member

Marketed for kids or the eternally adolesent. Hope the anti-gunners don't see it. It would become the Joe Camel of guns.


The muzzle brake is goofy and unnecessary but other than that, what's the big deal? I have a 4-16x50 on my .17HMR as well as a bipod. You need a nice clear scope and a bipod to pop crows at 250yds. :confused:

Old Grump

Member in memoriam
Good for gophers and ground squirrels, nothing wrong with the gun. Brake is superfluous but what the heck, if it sells a few guns that helps keep the prices down for all of us. Fun for daddy and grandpa too, kid might not get many chances to shoot it in my household.


New member
the only thing i can see the muzzle break/ flashsuppresor being good for is may quiet the gun down and keep the prairie dogs from sppoking as much??? some days they just get touchy...

my 17 has a 6-18 with tactical turrets...when you really want to suprise them little dogs... you ever seen them just peak their little head out of the hole and you only have an target .75 inches high to shoot at? good highly magnified glass is handy.
Well, the muzzle brake will help with recoil. .17HMR may not have much; but I bet it has enough to disturb the sight picture on that scope. Those big tank brakes on little rifles like .17 will make for video game levels of recoil.


New member
Didn't we just do a thread on ridiculous "tactical 22s"?

Still laughing at them and the people who would buy such a thing.


New member
All jokes aside is Mossberg trying totally seal the deal on there firearms being a joke. I know there are some who will think that is cool, but I think most people will think "wow how stupid and ridiculous is that" I think in the long run they are doing more harm to there reputation than good.


New member
They put that same brake on some of the shotguns as well. Pathetic to say the least. This type of rubish is what makes normal gun owners look like morons. They should use their energy on more productive ventures rather than .50 cal brakes on rifles & shotguns they don't belong on.
Lots of people have made money writing jokes, I don't find it hard to believe there is money in building them.
I still like the 500 peruader in the silver coating.