True ART of the Rifle...


New member
I got a little bored tonite, but my boredom turned out quite productive for a change!






Thanks for looking!


New member
I'll be one,,,,

You really should smudge out the serial # on that Glock.......

Might as well take a negative pic of your Social Security card.....

The pics are cool,, sure......

They don't really belong here though.....

Where's Art Eatman when you need him...........

What possible harm could come from somebody knowing the serial # of your pistol?

My pistols don't get checks from the gubmint, and I for damn sure have never been asked to provide serials to verify my identity...

What can anybody do with the information that you own glock #ABC123?

I guess you could mess with somebody's warranty account if they ever had to send it back for service but other than that I'm drawing a blank.

Nice photos.


New member
Oh, sorry shooter_john, I just stole your identity using the serial # from your glock.:eek:

Yep, I just put that number into google and got your social security number and the numbers to all of your credit cards.;)

Looks like I'm gonna be getting some new toys soon, but don't worry, I'll post pics!:D

Oh, and very nice on the pics. I like the X-ray ones the best. Sweet rifles.