Trouble with Lee Classic Loader

Hi, I am new to reloading and have a problem I'm hoping others here have seen. I purchased a .38 Special Lee Classic Handloader and have been trying to load Hornaby 148 grain Wadcutters, but I keep having trouble with the crimping tool. Lead from the bullets always gets driven out of the cases and onto the crimped rims. I discovered this first when I attempted to chamber one of my shells and it wouldn't go in. I had to take a pocket knife and peel back the lead from the case rim to get the shell to chamber. Does any one have any input?


New member
I'm not familiar with your press but it sounds like your bullets are being shaved by either;

1: You are not getting enough BELL on your case mouth
2: Adjust your crimp die, you may be crimping the bullet before the bullet is fully seated. Thats why I prefer to seat and crimp in separate stages.

Probably number one above.


New member
The problem is actually the tools themselves. (Hand held tools, used with a hammer. For those unfamiliar.)

The .38 Special Lee Classic Loader does not include a belling tool.

Bboomer was right. It's not enough bell on the case mouth. The case is shaving lead from the bullet as it is seated. So... you will need to improvise by finding a way to bell it yourself, find a hand tool from another company that will do it, or use jacketed bullets that won't be cut by the case.

I'm sorry. It really sucks that Lee overlooked one of the most important steps in pistol reloading, and left you hanging.


New member
Using a bevel based bullet would alleviate the problem some, but otherwise some way to flare the case mouth a little bit before loading is what you need to do. Something tapered to press/tap into the case mouth lightly? You don't need much.

Lee sells a universal case mouth expanding die, If you don't have a press I'm thinking you could just use the tapered steel expander plug from the die and give it a light tap with a hammer to flare your cases. I own one of these and the insert itself is cone shaped and about an inch tall, I think it would work.


New member
Classic Lee

When I reloaded lead bullets with the classic, I would take a punch, just slightly larger than the case mouth, cut it off so that maybe a quarter inch of the shaft was left on it, and insert it into the case mouth, and give it a gentle tap with a plastic hammer, and it would bell the mouth sufficently to stop the leading. Worked pretty well, but tap GENTLE!


New member
If you're like me, you'll find that in the end, the Lee Classic loader whet your appetite for reloading and invest in a press & dies. You don't have to spend much.

I still have my Lee Loader for 45 ACP. I made my first few boxes with that. It took forever, and it was a loud process, but blimey if they didn't work beautifully! I can't bear to get rid of it. For one thing, they aren't worth anything, since a new one costs so little, and for another, I'm just attached to it. If I sold all my bulky reloading equipment, I would still keep the Lee Loader, the Lee Hand Prime, and a couple other tidbits.


New member
lee loader

"It took forever, and it was a loud process, but blimey if they didn't work beautifully! I can't bear to get rid of it. For one thing, they aren't worth anything, since a new one costs so little, and for another, I'm just attached to it. If I sold all my bulky reloading equipment, I would still keep the Lee Loader, the Lee Hand Prime, and a couple other tidbits."
Only my second post on this forum. Isn't that the truth about the Lee Loader? Noisy but they work. I have made sure to pick one up for every caliber that I can as a back up. I even have them for all my shotguns.
For belling cases, I use a .50 cal BMG bullet and tap with care.


New member
I have a .38 set. In the set is a tool for belling the cases, it's shaped like a bullet about an inch and a half long, makes a nice bell shape.


New member
I had a .38 Lee Loader (sold it a couple of years ago) but I'm sure it had a belling tool with it. It was a rod with a bullet shaped end on it. Check your kit and see if you have anything like that.