Trouble closer to home - Arizona


New member

Parker Canyon couple kidnapped by two illegal immigrants
Tucson Citizen
Sept. 12, 2002
A Parker Canyon Lake couple in their 70s were assaulted and kidnapped yesterday by two illegal immigrants demanding transportation north for themselves and four others, authorities said.
The man and his wife, both 73, were assaulted after they provided water for the illegal immigrants and agreed to prepare lunch for them in exchange for lawn work, said Carol A. Capas, a Cochise County Sheriff's Department spokeswoman.
She did not identify the couple.
After the two men were fed, the woman heard a noise from her porch and stepped outside to investigate.
Once there, she was grabbed from behind and restrained while her mouth was taped shut, Capas said.
The woman broke free and demanded to know where her husband was, Capas said.
Her attacker then asked for the keys to the couple's 1995 GMC pickup.
She refused to surrender them until she saw her husband.
One of the men then led her to her husband, who was bleeding while being restrained on the ground by the second man.
Her husband had cuts and scrapes on his face and arms and later told authorities he had been beaten and then restrained for about a half hour, Capas said.
The woman told the men her husband needed medical attention and convinced them to help her load him into their truck, officials said.
One of the attackers then climbed into the front of the truck with the woman and her husband, while the other man climbed beneath the covered bed of the truck, Capas said.
One of the attackers then directed the woman to drive to a nearby RV park, where they picked up five more undocumented immigrants, who climbed into the truck's bed, officials said.
The woman told the men she was taking her husband to Sonoita for medical care.
She began flashing her headlights and tapping her brakes when she spotted a U.S. Border Patrol vehicle on Arizona 83, Capas said.
Capas said the agent noticed the lights and saw that the couple and their passenger were nervous, so he stopped the truck.
The man riding with the couple then jumped from the truck's cab and escaped on foot, officials said.
The other six immigrants, all frrom Mexico, were arrested by Border Patrol agents, Capas said.
Five of those apprehended were allowed to voluntarily return to Mexico.
The elderly man's alleged assailant, identified by authorities as Ricardo Paredes Vargas, of Mexico City, was arrested and booked into Cochise County Jail.
Vargas, 20, is charged with aggravated assault, kidnapping and conspiracy to commit kidnapping. His bail was set today at $100,000, jail officials said.
The woman's husband was treated at the scene for his injuries.
Capas said the incident was rare and one of only a handful of similar incidents seen by her department.
"Several years ago we had issues as far as illegal immigrants doing home invasions and burglaries, but not in the Parker Canyon Lake area," she said. "This is definitely rare."

Bottom Gun

New member
My home is 12 miles from Parker Canyon Lake. This area has been a major corridor for illegals and drug runners. We see them almost daily in groups of up to a dozen or more.
They are stealing, starting fires, etc. Wherever they decide to camp for the night, they make a huge mess with their litter and often leave their fires burning when they break camp.
The Border Patrol, when they decide to round some up, simply drive them back to the border and release them so they can try it again.
I have taken to carrying a good rifle when I'm hiking in the forest now.
It's becoming a big problem here.


I'm sure that some ACLU type lawyer is getting ready to sue the victims, or the state, or the government or someone over the violated rights of these bandits.

Hey! Where the hell is the Mexican government's statement about this BS??????


New member
Mexico is the source of the problem. Mexico is a socialist utopia that million want to escape. Premier Fox uses illegal immigration to the US as a pressure relief valve.


New member
Mexico like Cuba some years back is dumping some of the worse on us, however
much of the problem is with our open door
immigration policy that if not changed will
cause untold grief for future America, I know
we have many "open door" types on this board who always yell "racism" however
I could care less where there from, color,
etc, my thought is total numbers only.
Central Texas is suppose to double in population in 20 years, at present roads,
school, hospital are over burdened and in
many case causing quality of life to be poor.
Not to even speak of the cost, America needs
to control it's borders, "control immigration"
before it's too late.

Bottom Gun

New member
Maybe some of the bleeding heart "open door" types would like to sponsor some of these hard working people and give them a place to stay until they can get on their feet?

Just a thought. . . . . .


New member
Bottom Gun:

OK, I'll drive a bus full up to the doors of Queen DiFi, and Sen Boxhead. And, I'd be willing to drop off a few at the NY homes of Senators Hitlery and Chuck 'The Schmuck' Schumer....

And, I remember the Great Havana Boat Lift (I think it was called) back sometime in the 70's. Seems to me all we got was the criminals and misfits that even Premier Fidel didn't want :mad: :mad:


New member
foghornl, you're right. The Cuban boat lift was arranged by a guy who just happened to be an officer in Cuba's intelligence service. Explains why many prisoners were in the boat lift.


Wait, this can't be true. All "undocumented" immigrants crossing the border illegally are upstanding members of society who will leave you alone if you give them something to eat and drink. This must have been staged by some racist anti-human rights militia group.

Bottom Gun

New member
Why weren't these "other five" Adam Henries charged with being accessories to kidnapping instead of being released to try it again?
Don't they have a clue as to what kind of message they are sending to these people?
I'll bet most of those five are already back here.


New member

They are bec0oming a serious problem but the gov't refuses to do anything about it. Not PC. we need a berlin style wall on the mexicn border as well as a no-mans land in which illegals are shot on sight. What we dont need are Water stations so the bastards wont die of thirst in the desert! What are these people thinking! enough is enough :mad:


Yup, just blame it on the ignorant illegals, not the US corporations that are hiring them to replace you and me.

The US gov is allowing these people to cross. It means more MONEY for Bush and his corporate cronies.

So every time you do business with companies that employs them, you are endorsing the situation.

We are, our own worst enemy.



Bottom Gun

New member

How do you know who employs them? Do you walk through the front door and yell "Immigration"?

Are you telling us these thieving low liife characters are unwitting victims of US corporations? That most are on their way to fill high paying positions as CEO's of major corporations?

Sounds like Liberal spin to me.

I'm sorry but I'm putting the blame sqaurely where it belongs. . . . . .with the people who are doing the kidnapping, stealing, and fire starting.

If you know anyone employing these illegals, you should call the INS.

Just my two cents. . . .


New member
throughout the state of arizona, it most certainly is NOT a rare occurrence for illegals to perform home invasions and assault and/or kill the occupants of the home. my brother lives in mesa and every couple of weeks/months he has a new account to tell of illegals breaking into homes of usually elderly, robbing them, and in one instance, ducttaped an older couple together, and shot the man just before leaving. his wife couldnt do anything to help her husband as he died while taped to her.

screw political correctness. retire these dirty immigrants, PERMANENTLY.

edit - arent they still trying to find a place to dump radioactive waste? how about strewing it all across the border? wouldnt need too much optics if the ones that make it through have a nice healthy glow to their skin.

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
Things might be different in the border states than around here. I don't know. Eastern Georgia and western South Carolina are a long way from the border. But around here, Hispanic immigrants are working in jobs that weren't "taken" from American citizens. They're working jobs that go begging for Americans to fill. Hard, dirty, hot, or cold low paid work. Green chain in the sawmill, picking and loading watermelons, picking peaches and cotton gins. Common laborers on construction sites and such.

Now y'all might have a different story about illegal immigrant employment but, around here at least, you don't hear anyone complaining that immigrants took their jobs.

Apple a Day

New member
It was called the "Mariel Boat Lift". A couple of my relatives came over on it but with a lot of "undesirables" as well. Castro used it as an excuse to empty jails and asylums. They wouldn't release a family member without tacking on a criminal or mental patient... of course that wasn't told to the people boating over there until they had already arrived. After sitting in the harbor for a month, stewing, the choice wasn't easy. That whole episode was an example of how NOT to do things. My aunt still tells horror stories about going there and back.

Bottom Gun

New member
I don't think these illegals are taking any skilled jobs away from Americans here either. I don't have a problem with that.

What I do have a problem with is their trashing of the countryside along the way and the kind of stuff that happened at Parker Canyon Lake.

I used to be OK with the illegals we encountered here. I used to carry extra water in my truck for them and once I even gave one a ride back to the Port of Entry in Naco and gave him enough money to get back home from the border after he changed his mind about heading north.
Nowadays though, they have been using this country as a trash can and have apparently adopted a scorched earth policy. . .literally.
I'm NOT OK with that because I live here.

There's another post here on TFL about all the forest fires they started here. One of them, the one they call the Ryan fire, came within 1/8 mile of my home a few months ago and the Forest Service and the Sheriff forced me to evacuate my home. I take that kinda personal.