Triple Stacking a Lee Auto Disk?


New member
I have the double disk kit for my Lee Auto Disk and was wondering if anyone has tried triple stacking the disk to throw higher charges? I've found only a handful of posts on the web and using the search feature, but no real details. (I have a Perfect Powder Measure, but dislike it due to it's flimsy construction.)

I plan on using this setup on my single stage press to charge rifle rounds using Reloader 15. I normally use this measure with an added baffle in my turret press with great success.

I'm a little concerned that the added vibration from the turret press could cause some problems with packing, so the set up will only used on my single stage press. My other concern is leaking past the disk, which shouldn't happen with Reloader 15.

I also plan on sticking to the Lee recommended double disks by simply doubling the smallest disk. For example, Lee shows a combination of 1.18 cc + 1.09 cc for 2.27cc. I plan on trying 1.18cc + 1.09cc + 1.09cc for 3.36 cc.

Any thoughts? Has anyone tried this?
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New member
There was a post about this very idea just a few days ago. From what I recall, it sounded like it worked fairly well. Give it a try and measure the results for yourself. You'll be able to tell in a couple pulls if it works.