Triple Seven fffg Catridge Catastrophe???

There have been a number threads about whether to use Hodgdon's Triple Seven in catridge ammunition. I also understand that there is a factory warning about how this powder is used or not used.

In my case, I am using the fffg version of Triple Seven in my .45 Colt handloads pushing a 265 grain bullet. I use this in my Uberti revolvers. I have had no problems with this combination.

Has anyone had problems using Triple Seven ffg or fffg in their cartridge ammunition? If so, please share the details.



New member
Let me see here...there is a factory warning against use of their propellent in cartridges, you go right ahead and do it anyways, and then ask for approval from total strangers hiding behind aliases for your ignoring the very follks who know more about it than any other group of men in the world ??
DOES THAT about sum it up ??

And so it goes...


New member
"Let me see here...there is a factory warning against use of their propellent in cartridges, you go right ahead and do it anyways, and then ask for approval from total strangers hiding behind aliases for your ignoring the very follks who know more about it than any other group of men in the world ??
DOES THAT about sum it up ??

And so it goes... "

1100 tac

New member
From Hodgdon -
"Triple Seven In Cartridges: Use data specifically developed for Triple Seven FFG only. Cartridge loads should be used exactly as listed in this pamphlet. You may safely use a card or polyethylene wad up to .030" in thickness to protect the base of the bullet. Loading density should be 100% with light compression not to exceed .100". Testing has shown that Triple Seven will perform best when the bullet just touches the powder. Allow no airspace between the base of the bullet and the powder. Do not reduce loads by means of filler wads or inert filler material such as Grits, Dacron or Grex. Do not heavily compress powder charges. The use of filler wads, inert fillers or heavy compression may cause a dangerous situation, which could cause injury and/or death to the shooter, bystanders or damage property. Do not create loads for cartridges not listed. Contact Hodgdon Powder Company for recommendations concerning other loads."

If I were you, I would use the Holy Black only, subs suck.
Wil Terry

hiding behind aliases

Wil Terry, my name is Brad Smith. No hiding behind aliases.

And, I never was asking for your approval. Just input and experiences. There have been a lot of conflicting things told and was just asking a question.

I had used this powder some. And, when I realized about the warning I was confused about some things and decided to ask here.

I don't appreciate your tone.

Now, I would very much enjoy a civil conversational exchange.

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New member
I don't appreciate your tone.

Now, I would very much enjoy a civil conversational exchange.

I thought he very nicely told you that you are already ignoring the real experts on 777, and the "aliases" he referred to are the Screen Names most people use on forums

If you ASK for advice on an open forum, you have to be prepared to hear the truth, whether it's what you want to hear or not.

The truth in this case is you probably shouldn't be using FFFg against the manufacturer's advice, and no one is going to tell you it's alright


New member
Back to the OP's actual question:

I see no difference between muzzloading use of Triple-7 (with the ball/patch firmly seated against the powder column), and cartridge use of Triple-7 where the bullet is firmly seated (though not highly compressed)* against the powder column.

Loose Triple-7 with an airspace should be avoided -- as is the case with black powder as well.

* NOTE: Muzzleloaders can't highly compress powder as with the leverage of a reloading press. Likewise, Triple-7 should not be highly compressed as is often done with black powder cartridges.

** If I were you, I would use the Holy Black only, subs suck. (But TAC beat me to that) ;)
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A Do Over

ok...Perhaps I came at this from the wrong angle. I accept that this is not the powder to use based on what Hodgdon has told me. No arguing there. I just wanted to understand the whats and whys (the mechanics) and experiences of others who may have made the same mistakes. It was not my intention to justify using the powder in this fashion. Just to expand my understanding of the various gunpowders and what they do under certain situations.

So, truce.


New member
Im.wondering WHY you would use this powder when SO many other powders are available to use...not to mention so many others that are safe and have ample data available. I know nothing of this powder so i cant weigh in on the whats and whys but based on what ive read so far in this thread....i cant imagine why you would want to roll the dice while reloading such a common and easy caliber.

At the time, there was no powder at any of the local stores or internet sites to purchase. The well was dry with the exception of this powder.


New member
If it were me, i would have just waited for something to be available. I peeked at some data for that round and saw 12 different powders listed on hodgdons reloading data center. It may be just me but i would not have sacrificed safety for impatients. Just my opinion, not knockin you at all. Also, i know how frustrating it is to post a thread and get zero responses or a bunch of responses that are simply usesless based on the OP. I feel for ya man. Just roll with the punches and use all your resources, youll find what youre looking for, i always have thus far.


New member
I can appreciate the dilemma.

Other than what Hogden has to say I would offer no encouragement to use it, but if you do (and I am not judging, its a tough position) I would be extremely careful

Smoke & Recoil

New member
I just finished reading the script on both bottles...Triple 7 FFg and FFFg. The
FFFg makes no mention of using it in cartridges while the FFg states to use
recommended data for cartridges.

I do use Triple 7 FFg for loading 45 colt and 38-40 Win.


New member
Let me see here...there is a factory warning against use of their propellent in cartridges, you go right ahead and do it anyways, and then ask for approval from total strangers hiding behind aliases for your ignoring the very follks who know more about it than any other group of men in the world ??
DOES THAT about sum it up ??

And so it goes...

Sorry to hijack, but THANK YOU for an amazing literary reference! :D