Triple F Has a New Name & a New Home


Triple F, formerly Firearms, Friends and Family has a new name and a new web address. We are now Family, Friends and Firearms, with the emphasis on cultivating a family atmosphere and creating bonding friendships among gun owners.
After much work by the staff there, not to mention invaluable in put from Rich (who has a wee bit of experience in operating a discussion board;)) regarding servers and set up we have moved off of EZ Board and now have our own domain and address, simply


New member
FFF complements TFL, is does not compete with it. TFL is the greatest firearm information site on the web, but due to it's phenomenal membership, there just isn't any room or bandwidth for off topic discussions. This is why the Staff of TFL must shut down any off topic discussions. If they didn't, the board would be beyond control.

Due to our smaller membership, FFF is able to be a much more laid back place, where you can talk about your latest pistol, that new prize rifle, discuss the big game, chat about the big block you just dropped in your Chevy, or post the latest joke. A place to get to know fellow gun owners.

Most of our members are active at both sites, so it's not a question of either or. TFL excels at what it was designed to do - provide firearm information and expertise, that just isn't available anywhere else on the web. In the same way, FFF excels at what it was designed to do - create Family like friendships between those who share an interest in firearms.
Good luck with the new site. Credit is not due to me. All I provided was some bandwidth stats and an offer to set up vBulletin for y'all. You chose UBB...been there, done that, got blood on the T-Shirt. Don't be connecting my name with that software. ;) I've no use for it.


Ah're just bein' modist.;)
Actually I was not associating you with that software. Just giving some credit where credit was due.
By the way we did want to go with the vBulletin software based primarily on your recommendation. But to the be perfectly honest the UBB was so much cheaper we were basically forced to use it.
Blood on the T-shirt?:eek: I'll sleep so much better tonight now after reading that.:D

Seriously, thanks,

Dennis Olson

New member
Rich, ultimately we WILL be following you onto vBulletin. Our current site host is even now installing the various components that will make it possible for us to migrate. But at the moment, we are a mere shadow of the HUGE size of TFL, so we can use UBB in the interim.

I want to personally thank you for your insight and knowledge, which was invaluable to us in deciding on our future path. I'm quite sure that we'll tap into your experience in the near future.

TFL is a "one of a kind" site. It will never be equalled. I thank you for being here for all of us.