Trip through Georgia... Carry laws?

281 Quad Cam

New member
I have a Florida CCW, and it is my understanding that FL and GA have reciprocity with one another.

I'll be making a trip up to Atlanta from Miami at night, in 2 days.

I want to carry my Glock19 IWB and a couple magazines incase the car gives up and I'm standing there or anything. I include the details because I don't know if GA has some funny "no more than 10 round mags" or "no IWB" or "no spare mags" laws... Hey you never know in this country anymore do ya? :rolleyes: I can carry 15 rounds and 1 chambered, right? Don't take my ignorance as offense, I know GA isn't California. :)

I don't plan to carry it once in town, just the drive up. Will I be legal to carry that in the car, gas stations, and non-alcohol-serving restaurants? (such as mcdonalds and wendy's)

Must I inform an officer out of the blue that I have a gun, if i get pulled over for speeding or something?

Thanks for your help everyone who will reply! :D ;)

Bud Helms

Senior Member
There is no requirement to inform if stopped. You may carry in accordance with GA law, if you are legally licensed to carry in FL. Magazine limits are in accordance with federal law here. You do not need a license in GA to have a loaded weapon in your vehicle. GA also does not register firearms. There is no requirement to keep the ammo separate from the weapon in a vehicle. GA requires a holster and IWB is fine. GA requires carry at or above the waist (no ankle holsters). Purse and fanny pack carry is also permitted. GA is shall issue.

GA is a preemption state. City and county ordinance may not counter or preempt state law. When and if you do carry, do not carry open. It is not a violation, if you have a permit (it is a violation if you don't have one), but it stirs up the locals real good. The fine city of Atlanta would have a fit.

Have a good time in GA, even if you are only passing through.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Title 16, Chapter 11, Section 120 through 134 ... here. Scroll down to the appropriate sections. I notice that the specific prohibition against ankle holsters has been rewritten. The implication is there, but the words are missing. So I don't know if it is prohibited or not these days. That would be 16-11-126.

Greg Bell

New member
I remember that Thurburt Baker!!!Tough as nails (Bud will probably get that reference) issued an opinion saying they weren't kosher. I never could find any cases or statutes though. Either way, that would be a pretty stupid rule to prohibit them--but we are in Georgia.:D

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Thurbert E. Baker, Attorney General for the Great and Sovereign State of Georgia: Lawyer for the Citizens of Georgia (his own words). Recently returned to office for another four years by the voting public in our state. A fine choice too, I might add.

'Got one wierd haircut, though. :)

He's done well keeping the Attorney General's office independent. He can stay there for the foreseeable future in my humble opinion. He can smell a "good ol' boy" network a hundred miles away.

Straight arrow, so far, and BTW, he has been given some opportunities to diminish gun owner's rights in GA and he has resisted. The Secy of State of GA is on record with the opinion that a commercial shopping mall is construed by him as a "public gathering" (one of those places where concealed carry is prohibited). Thurbert has prosecuted no cases based on that opinion. Heh, heh. You go Thurby! I think he should run for Governor.

I think this is thread veer ... 281 Q-Cam, has your question been answered?

281 Quad Cam

New member
Pretty much answered my questions, yes.

I just plan to carry on the drive up...

I don't plan to carry once in town, lest I end up at a shopping mall or some other gathering place. :D Peachtree City seems safe enough to go "naked."

I've heard some decent horror stories by people who hand their CCW license to the officer with their DL/Reg. If it is not within the state laws to inform, I will not volunteer.

Thanks Bud.