Trijicon Sight for AR - Which One?

Jeff Thomas

New member
I've always admired Trijicon gunsights, and I recently checked out a compact ACOG at a local gun store. These things are expensive, but very handy.

But, which to buy? They have the ACOG, Compact ACOG, Reflex and Reflex II sights. I'd want a handle mount, so I can switch to iron sights if necessary. I don't want batteries.

Most critical use is self defense, but that might require a longer shot in some cases. I won't be doing any competition on a regular basis, but we'll be plinking occasionally.

In general, I'm looking for a good compromise ... tough call, I realize. Some magnification seems like a good idea, since my eyes aren't the greatest.

Your experienced advice is appreciated. This stuff is way too expensive to experiment much.

Thank you for your help. Regards from AZ


New member
My reccomendation would be for the Reflex II with 12 MOA triangle. Like all the sites listed above it does not use batteries, it is a great CQB site, and the triangle allows accurate shooting up to 100 yards. The ACOG is a great site, BUT it is quite expensive at $500-$800. The two are designed for different purposes, the Reflex for CQB, the ACOG is a battle sight for medium distance. I think that the magnification at home defense distance is a liabilty as it will slow your target aquisition, add that LE would take a dim view of a "defense" shooting that required a scoped, aimed shot at medium to long distance. If your eyesight is poor, you may be better off seeking some sort of corrective measure if possible.
I have the reflex II mounted on the forward carry handle mount of an AR Carbine. It is a good setup, and I can plink easily with it, as well as do some precision shooting. It can be found for a little under $300. Iron sites are no problem, you look through the reflex to the iron sites. Good luck with whatever you choose!

Aloha John


New member
I would go for the Trijicon compact ACOG. I have the 2x20 with triangle reticle and it is a great all-around sight. It can be used both-eyes open for CQB stuff and has enough magnification for longer shots when necessary. You should find it for around $425. Not cheap, but great optics and very rugged.


New member
Jeff - I've been real happy with my handle mounted Reflex RX05 with 4 MOA reticle. The Reflex II's weren't available when I bought mine.

For what you want, you'll probably want to go with a larger reticle. As was mentioned, you can use your iron sights without removing the unit. Zeroing is a breeze - dial the reticle in to the top of the front sight post and you're done.

No buttons, switches, batteries, etc. to mess with. Good deal.



Staff Alumnus
I've got a Compact ACOG with triangle mounted on one of my A2 uppers. I really like this sight. I have it mounted in a scout-style sight so that I can use the iron sights if need be.