Trigger creep in Ruger KP95?


New member
The SA trigger pull on my KP95 (Oh, got a KP95PR for my 21st bday, btw... gracias padres! :D )... anyway, the SA pull is pretty creepy... bottom of the trigger moves perhaps 1/8" to 1/4" before it hits the break point. Is there a semi-easy way to fix this? Is it fixable at all? It's not a big deal or anything, but if there's a cheap way to make it better I'd like to do it.

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Are you talking about trigger takeup?

Most modern DA/SA pistols have two stage SA triggers. They have a significant amount of trigger take-up before any significant resistance is felt. That's not really creep in the classic sense.

Creep is movement of the trigger AFTER significant resistance is felt but before the sear breaks.

If you really have 1/4" of creep, I'd call Ruger and complain. If you're talking about the first stage/takeup, then there's no fix that I'm aware of. It's supposed to be like that.


New member
Ah... maybe it is takeup then... it moves about a quarter inch under very light pressure, then gets a bit harder, but it's still what I would call a light pressure. Then it hits this kinda "brick wall" area, where the pressure is noticeably higher and it breaks easily once you get to that point. Suppose it's nothing to worry about then... helpful as always, señor... thank ye. :)