tried a couple new guns yesterday...sr9c,xds

i have now had a chance to shoot both the ruger sr9c and the sprinfield xds. both impressed me.

the ruger was extremely fast to acquire and reacquire a target after firing. very very accurate. i would dub it the bargain of the stingy gun buyer. at $400, you get much more than you pay for. a MUCH better gun IMO than a glock 19.

the xds surprised me with its lack of recoil. i compared it side by side with my pps, and it is identical in size. even in 45, there was less felt recoil and definitely lower muzzle flip than my pps. i even had the medium mag in the pps and the flush fit mag in the xds.


New member
I agree with all of your assessments of the SR9C, that is why I carry an SR9C instead of other mainstream pistol brands. however the XDs that I tried felt like a freaking hand cannon to me, maybe I've just fallen out of practice which very well may be the case but I have little interest in it. if I pocket carried then that would be a completely different story but for IWB carry I like my XDM45 compact just fine and have no need of a single stack for that purpose. it's still a great gun that more than lives up to the Springfield and HSP names and when they do begin importing the 9mm version I may yet find myself owning one.

good read loose holster dan, glad you got a chance to shoot both.
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New member
the ruger was extremely fast to acquire and reacquire a target after firing. very very accurate. i would dub it the bargain of the stingy gun buyer. at $400, you get much more than you pay for. a MUCH better gun IMO than a glock 19.
Theres a reason why Cops/Militaries around the world use Glocks.

tristar viper

New member
Some people seem to purposely use the Glock as reference just to try to start something. I get really tired of it in these threads. It's not the least bit necessary. Of course if the Glock wasn't such a great gun and so many people and law enforcement agencies didn't like them and use them, then these references would never be made.


New member
I don't think they mean anything by it - at least most of the time. Glock is just the standard. Pretty much everyone who's into guns (or at least into semi-auto hand guns) is at least passingly familiar with glocks. The only other gun that you can be fairly sure people will be familiar with are 1911's, but they're too much of their own thing to be as useful to compare. I'd take it as a compliment that whenever someone finds an auto they really like they basically all describe it as "even better than a glock".

To the OP:
I had pretty much the same experience with the XDs. I very much like it, and it's become my primary carry.
I keep hearing really good things about the sr9c. I'm going to have to check one out sometime here soon. The p95 sort of soured me on Ruger center-fire autos - it felt sort of like shooting a potato to me - but with all the good things I keep hearing about their new line it's looking like it's time to give them another try.


New member
the ruger was extremely fast to acquire and reacquire a target after firing. very very accurate. i would dub it the bargain of the stingy gun buyer. at $400, you get much more than you pay for. a MUCH better gun IMO than a glock 19.

+1, that was my experience and is my opinion as well.

Theres a reason why Cops/Militaries around the world use Glocks.

It is also my opinion that if Ruger were to market their SR series pistols to LEO and militaries they would sell themselves. They have a world beater, I don't understand why they don't run with it.

Walt Sherrill

New member
Glock has offered governments and government units a good deal: low prices and good trade-ins for their existing weapons. Glock has used MARKETING power to promote their brand and have done a good job of it.

I like Glocks. I also like Rugers, and recently picked up a used early SR9 (and added the Ghost trigger bar). For me, it seems to do everything the Glock does, at least as well, and it has a more natural grip angle for most folks. Does that mean I'll sell my Glocks? No. But the Ruger is a good gun, maybe great gun.

If Ruger ever starts to offer the kind of deals that Glock offers to police departments and militaries, we might see some change in the "balance of power" in the gun world. S&W is doing it's part to change that balance. (I also have a tuned S&W M&P Pro... nice gun.)


New member
Really like the ruger sr series, the compact versions are also nice with the option to go with full capacity mag with grip extension or reduced capacity mags for cc with a smaller grip, nice shooting guns
I was the same way about the p95.

As to starting a glock bashing, not at all my intention. Glock is a standard by which all other polymer striker fire handguns are judged. Notice how I compared the xds to my personal carry piece? Notice how I said I thought it was superior? I'm nothing if not objective.


New member
Agree entirely with your comments about the SR9c. I carry one as my light clothes CCW. I love taking it to the range.

The XDs shot very well for me, but I experience less rise with the PPS.


New member
First off, let me say I do not now nor have I ever owned a Glock. I've handled a few, shot a G17, and just never got excited about them. Are they fine handguns? Yes, without a doubt. Millions of users swear by them for their reliability, dependability and quality. Just didn't feel right in my big hand. And that's an objective assessment, not a bash.

I do, however, have experience with the Rugers. My first 9mm was a Ruger P95. It is big, some say clunky, built like a tank, soft shooting and utterly failure free. The DA pull was long and imprecise, SA had a fair amount of take up but it broke pretty cleanly. Despite this accuracy was pretty good. It was a very nice HD and range gun and a relative bargain for its price.

I sold it, however, and purchased another Ruger, the SR9c. I really do like this pistol a lot. Just as utterly reliable, feels much better in my hand - which truly surprised me! - and it has a superb trigger. Accuracy at 7 yds and 15 yds is better than the P95, (for me, a combination of balance and the consistent trigger due to the striker design) and it is surprisingly soft shooting for a compact pistol. It is easy to handle with the short 10-round mag and even more nicely balanced with the full sized mag and extension. For me, it's a wonderful and flexible combination for HD, range and CC. I couldn't be more pleased or impressed with its performance and value.

As much as I like the SR9c, it doesn't have the soul of my old S&W Model 10-5. Maybe in 40 years it will!
I have an SR9-C and love it! The ergo's are perfect for me, its soft shooting, very accurate and after almost 2000 rounds, 100% reliable.

I enjoy shooting my SR9-C alot more than my XD-40 full size.
I'm over here like "SIG Sauer"

Nice find Dan.

My Glock 19 4th gen was fine. Until it started ejecting brass into my face. Needs an attitude adjustment.


New member
I'm an advid Glock shooter but gonna pick up a SR9 for the wife. It's the only double stack my wife's little hands can comfortably grip.


New member
I bought my oldest daughter (she is 37) her first handgun for Christmas. I told her she could have whatever she desired. At first she wanted my 4" XDm 9mm, but then she went shooting with a friend and discovered she liked the SR9c better. So that's what I bought her. I went shooting with her over Christmas and shot my XDm and her SR9c. I came away with the feeling that while it is an accurate shooter, it felt like a cheaper gun. I was looking at the time for another 9mm gun and thought I would get the SR9c, however, after shooting it, I decided it was not for me. I bought instead a Glock 26 Gen 4. It fits my hand well, however, I have not shot it yet. I hope to get to the range the first of next week.


Mr Budha

New member
I recently bought a Glock 19 and really like it. I've been hearing more and more (good things) about the Ruger and I would really love to shoot it. The xd's also have always appealed to me. I gotta get my hands on a pair of em and try them now that I have something to compare them to.

The new compact .45 from Springfield also looks like it's full of potential.