Tricked Out Ruger Mini-14 in .223

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Here it is folk's, the long awaited pic~:

I apologize for the poor indoor lighting, as it has been raining here much of the day~!


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I have a butler creek but the whole folding butt-stock is steel, that has a nice place for a cheek weld. Is it an extra part or another stock? Home made or store bought?



I like that cheek piece too, I'd like to add one to my 10/22 folders. Is that attatched with velcro?

I always loved the way mini 14s looked. I wish they worked half as good as they look.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Not sure of the stock manufactuer'er; or the scope for that matter~? :eek:

I bought this weapon set-up this way, with three after market magazines
for $350 OTD~! Shoots really good; but a bit on the heavy side. Yes, the
cheek piece attaches with velcro; but it works just fine~! Just think'in
'bout what might happen at election time; or after 04 NOV 08~! ;)