Traveling with pistol on motorcycle 1800 miles


New member
I need to travel via motorcycle from Illinois to Phoenix Arizona in three weeks to appear in Federal Court on a Bankruptcy claim. No, I’m not filing bankruptcy, but someone that owes me $17K has me listed as a debtor. I plan to make it a mini vacation, taking my time to get there and back home. I also plan to sleep in a tent, weather permitting. That leads me to an on topic (firearms related) subject for this forum. While four legged predators will always be on my mind, it’s the two legged predators I am most concerned about. So I’m taking along my trusty Beretta 92FS, and four 15 round magazines. I’ve already checked on the laws of the states I will be traveling through, so I’m fine there. My problem is, Bankruptcy hearings are held in Federal Court. I don’t want to be within a block of a Federal Court House while carrying a pistol. I know I definitely don’t want to park my motorcycle a block away in a parking lot with a firearm in it. I’m sure the pistol would get stolen if left unattended for any length of time. So, any suggestions from the folks here would be appreciated.

The first thought that crossed my mind is to call the Phoenix Police Department and see if I could leave the pistol there for safe keeping. But something else is telling me that could be a mistake. My second thought is finding someone here on this forum that lives in Phoenix and leaving it with them for a day. Nothing personal, I’m sure 99.99% of the people on this forum are very trustworthy. But knowing my luck I’d hook up with that 0.01%.


Doc Intrepid

New member
Get a hotel room.

Leave your firearm in the safe in the hotel room. (Some hotels have the safe at the front desk, you can leave it there as well, but take it to the front desk in a locked pistol case or pistol rug.)

Call in advance to find a hotel room that meets your needs. Here is Marriott's website, but all the bigger chains have websites that will answer your questions:

I've done will be secure that way. It's one option, and you'll likely want to shower and dress before heading to court anyway!



New member
Get a hotel room.

Duuuuuuuu...Why didn't I think of that? :confused:

You're right, I plan to spend the night before court in a hotel to clean up good. Put the pistol in a cardboard box so they don't know what it is and lock it in their safe.

Thank you for the reply.


New member
Hotel safe

The two times that I used a hotel safe there were no questions. Since you are legal, questions shouldn't matter anyway. I gave'em a locked box and got back same. I suggest not volunteering any info for fear of alarming those who can't think. Both times the gun was a 2 inch J frame. Your package is much heavier and bulkier. I'm a Texas resident and stayed in the state.



New member
Hotel personnel have no right to ask what is in the box. Whatever goes in, goes in, in private and comes out the same way. And in case you might want to know how I know that, I spent thirty four years traveling and spending 3 to 5 nights a week in a hotel. Usually a different hotel in a different City/State each night during the course of the week. The procedure for the safety deposit box, where available, was always the same. Room safes are good also but not as secure as the vault at the front desk.


New member
I took my grandaughter on my Sporty, to Portland and back (1200 miles each way). My carry option was no differant, my 642 was in my pants pocket.

If I was alone, I would have slept in rest areas (I do that if I'm traveling by truck or car).

But, since I had my grandaughter, I had to stop and motels, and could only pick hotels with a water slide.

I dont think I ever saw a sign in a motel regarding CC guns. Maybe I just didnt pay attention.

This leads me to:
I also plan to sleep in a tent, weather permitting.

I thought that was what tents were for, bad weather. I just roll my sleeping bag out in the grass, unless the weather looks like it might turn, then I put up my little tent.

Anyway, motorbike, truck, horse, or hiking, I dont change my method of carry, my little 642 in right there in my pocket.


New member
But, since I had my grandaughter, I had to stop and motels, and could only pick hotels with a water slide.


New member
Pawn it for a day,,,,,,,,, say for $15. That's what I use to do to avoid armsrooms while in military transit. It may cost you $3 but it'll be safe. Do take it to a nice one though.


Staff In Memoriam
Drach, That is all fine and good if the pawn broker isn't required to go the 4473 route... If he has to and it comes back "decline" you are stuck... Also pawning out of state requires you to "buy" it back out of state. Florida requires the pawn broker to buy your gun and sell it back to you so if you are from a couple states away, you would be forced to have him ship it to your local FFl...


New member
Hotel personnel have no right to ask what is in the box.

Sure they do. The hotel and vault/safe are privately owned. The hotel owner(s) are offering the safe to patrons as a service. They have every right to know what you are putting in their safe. Of course, you also have every right to refuse their request should you find it disagreeable and with that comes their right to refuse you service.

That said, I have used the safe at various hotels without incident and have never been asked to itemize what I was depositing however if I ever am asked I have two options, disclose what I am depositing or refuse and take the chance that I am refused service.

Many hotels as a matter of business practice (because they want to offer good service) do not ask you to itemize your deposits.


New member
Additionally, you could:

1. Visit a Phoenix gun store when you get there, explain your dilema and they may help you out by keeping it for a day.

2. Take some online time now -- since you have 3 weeks -- to get to know someone here ( and see if there are any AZCDL members in Phoenix (I'm sure there are in a big city like that). Make a new friend...leave it with him for the day, pick it up after court.

I plan to do that (2) with a VCDL (Virginia Citizens Defense League) member in VA (probably in Fairfax, VA) when I go visit my sister in MD because I definitely do NOT want to get caught with a handgun in my car in the repressive state of MD! I would trust a VCDL member (I've met some on the VA area over at -- in your case, check out the Arizona area) and would have no problem leaving my gun with them while I am in MD and picking it up when I return to VA. They are very willing to help me out.

Be'll think of something I'm sure.

-- John D.


Active member
This is why I carried my Jennings J-22 when I was traveling nearly 4,000 on my motorcycle (from Florida to New Mexico and back the long way through North Georgia.) When I didn't have it on me, I kept it tucked deep inside of an old army duffle bag that I kept locked to my bike. But, even if someone stole it (and I did have some idiot steal a footpeg off of my bike in Witchita Falls Tx), I wasn't going to be all broken up about it.

That little piece of Zamak served me well.....and it's still in reasonably good shape 20 years later!


New member
Kryptonite lock through rear wheel, pistol and helmet, with pistol inside helmet. I would not do that overnight, but should be fine for a couple of hours.


New member
I don't leave or lock my gun up anywhere, I keep it in my pocket, concealed is concealed.

You never know when you might have to protect you loved ones (grandaughter) from attacking critters, even on motorcycle trips as evidenced by this picture.



New member
I live in AZ and know a couple of Phx. folks that might hold your 92 for a couple of hours if that works for you.

Also I live just off I-40 in NE AZ, so if you want to stop by for a real bed and hot meal, just drop me a PM.

Good luck...


New member
I like the Secure-It handgun storage safes if you need to leave a weapon in a vehicle or hotel room. It isn't break-in proof, but it is a big deterrent, and safely locks up a vehicle from the average person.

the Large fits a 4" XD 45 and a P3AT at the same time :D


New member

...that's the kind of gun-owner camaderie/spirit I'm talking about!

Thanks for offering to help Mike38 out,

-- John D.

P.S. Take a look over there in the OpenCarry forum's Arizona might know someone!