"Traveling" with a gun in Texas without a CHL


New member
Hey guys,

I purchased my first gun, a 4" Springfield XD-9 6 weeks ago. I am going to be taking the CHL class in the next few months but in the meantime I am going on a trip the first week of October. I'll be going from Dallas, TX to SW Texas and back over a 2 day period. What are the laws about carrying a gun with me in the state of Texas without a CHL in the car?

This is what I am planning on doing from what I have read, please correct me if I am wrong.

I want to carry the gun loaded in the trunk of my car, inside my suitcase. Then when I get to the lodge I'm staying at, I will bring it into the room and leave the gun in the suitcase the entire time. Then put it back in the trunk on the way home. Is that ok?

Thanks, this site is great!


New member

You can definitely carry the way you are thinking, but why not carry it loaded and concealed in the vehicle where you can reach it? That was the point of passing the new law.

Rep. Keel explains traveling

Of course, that isn't stopping some anti-gun politicians from blowing off the new provisions.

Harris County DA vows to put the burden of proof on travelers, even though the new law specifically forbids it

Luckily, the TSRA has sent out letters to Harris County members on how to avoid problems.

TSRA Advises Houston Members on Harris County's Intent


New member
thanks interrogator!

so I'll leave it in the case under the seat.

one other question, if pulled over by a cop do I need to notify him I have a firearm or not?


New member
one other question, if pulled over by a cop do I need to notify him I have a firearm or not?

In Texas you are only required to notify a police officer about your firearm if you have a concealed handgun liscense.

However if an officer asks you something to the effect of "do you have any weapons in your vehicle," telling them something like "its none of your business" might just make them more suspicious, but remember its your right to remain silent if you so choose, other than showing them your drivers liscense and proof of finiancal responsiblity if you are driving you dont have to chat with them or answer thier stupid questions.