trap/defense shotgun


New member
Hey folks, I haven't posted on the shotgun forum, and I reckon this may have been addressed before, but anyway . . .

I used to shoot trap when much younger, and am looking to get into it again. I used to shoot a relative's Browning over/under Citori, but I am looking for something a little more utilitarian now (and MUCH cheaper). I would like a pump-action that is well-balanced for trap shooting, but would be somewhat practical for home defense, hopefully under $300.

I know 12 ga is standard, but I have heard good things about 20ga. And what kind of compromises can I expect to make when it comes to barrel length? I am only looking to have fun with the trap shooting, so my expectations are fairly low, but I would like to be able to use the shotgun for other purposes, should they arise.

Anyway, I appreciate any input.


Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
There's a ton of stuff in the Archives that'll address this. A couple points, tho....

12 gauge is standard for trap, and there's no 20 gauge equivalent to the high quality, fairly cheap trap loads.

12s also have an incredible selection of loads. Dick's, the aptly named chain store, stocks 3 or 4 20 gauge slugs, and #3 buck only. There's 7 12 gauge slugs there, and buck from #4 to 000.

As for make....

Any of the Big Four pumps will work for HD quite nicely, right out of the box. But, trapshooters need a tool that holds up for thousands of rounds. The 870 is the most durable of the bunch, so it gets the nod here.

I suggest you buy an 870 and an extra bbl. If the 870 comes with a 28" bbl choked Modified or Full, you're set for trap once it is fitted to you. You can pick up a used 18 or 20" bbl at most gun shops. A R/S version's OK here, tho beads will work fine for HD.

OTOH, if you get a used police 870 with a short bbl, another, longer bbl from an aftermarket source isn't all that expensive.

Note, for what we're talking here, magnum capability isn't very important. 2 3/4 shells will do all that you want, sans extra money.

OR, you could get a short bbled 870 and use it for trap also. Not ideal, but it'll work.



New member
I suggest the Mossberg Persuader which comes with a 20" barrel. Buy the optional 28" barrel for trap. That's what I did.



New member
Another vote for the 870, a great gun. You can find accessories very easily and can be had very cheap. Got mine used at a gun show for $150.
