Transporting guns on vacation


New member
My google-fu isn't getting me anywhere, and I must be using the wrong search terms here, because I'm coming up blank..

I'll be traveling from Ohio to Utah, going through a whole mess of states in between. I'm planning on taking a few rifles ( AR, FAL, couple of bolt guns, CCW piece (where legal)) and the mags and ammo associated with them.

Anybody able to point me in the right direction for the laws I'd have to worry about during my travels?

I'm mostly figuring on locking these in my truck box and camper for trip, and taking my pistol off in the CCW hostile states that don't offer reciprocity with my permit. Am I missing anything that would end up getting me crossthreaded with the law?




If you want the KISS principle - Keep It Simple, Stupid - the only law you need to know is:

18 USC 926a:

Notwithstanding any other provision of any law or any rule or regulation of a State or any political subdivision thereof, any person who is not otherwise prohibited by this chapter from transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport a firearm for any lawful purpose from any place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm to any other place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm if, during such transportation the firearm is unloaded, and neither the firearm nor any ammunition being transported is readily accessible or is directly accessible from the passenger compartment of such transporting vehicle: Provided, That in the case of a vehicle without a compartment separate from the driver’s compartment the firearm or ammunition shall be contained in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console.

Two things to note are, the requirements for the ammo are the same as for the guns, the ammo must be stored seperately from the occupants of the vehicle, not seperately from the gun.

In Ohio, if you don't have a recognized permit, the magazines must be unloaded for the guns to be considered unloaded.


New member
Iowa is a state also where the magazines must be unloaded.

483A.36 Manner of conveyance.
No person, except as permitted by law, shall have or carry a gun in or on a vehicle on a public highway, unless the gun is taken down or totally contained in a securely fastened case, and its barrels and magazines are unloaded.
[C24, 27, 31, §1772; C35, §1794-e21; C39, §1794.104; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, §110.23; C71, 73, 75, 77, §110.24; C79, 81, §110.36]
86 Acts, ch 1240, §10
C93, §483A.36
For applicable scheduled fine, see §805.8B, subsection 3, paragraph r
As long as he obeys the federal law and his starting point or his destination are not in Iowa or Ohio, the Firearm Owner's Protection Act is supposed to preempt that state law if the federal definition of unloaded does not include emptying magazines. It states it is intended to be an affirmative defense in court. Whether it would work out that way in practice, or not, is another matter, however, as a friend of mine discovered when traveling through New Jersey, where federal law is apparently considered optional. So your heads up is a good one.


New member
What the world reason is there to drive with your magazines loaded if you're only transporting them to be used at the destination?

I'd keep my clip loaded in my CCW but other than that the capacity to carry 5 or 20 or a hundred extra rounds just because the magazines are full is really retarded to me...

So, I guess I'm trying to say, why would one find it necessary to load the magazine for a trip?


Every magazine I have for every gun I have is fully loaded. That's what magazines are for - holding ammunition.


New member
"I'd keep my clip loaded in my CCW but other than that the capacity to carry 5 or 20 or a hundred extra rounds just because the magazines are full is really retarded to me..."

In Iowa and Ohio you would be illegal by their laws having your clip (magazine) loaded on your CCW.


New member
Went on a multi-state trip earlier this month. Didn't pack anything to avoid any hassle, changes in law, and giving any vacation money to a lawyer. I felt naked. :(

Courageous Lion

New member
Sort of sad...

It is pretty sad that we have to worry about being arrested and put in a cage, fined or have our property stolen for carrying a firearm to defend ourselves with all these laws on the books that are in DIRECT VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE that existed long before any government existed.

ME? I carry and frankly don't give a fart about the "laws". If I were to get stopped I wouldn't give consent to a search of my vehicle for starters and if I were asked questions I didn't want to answer I'd just sit there with my mouth shut.

When I travel across this country I put magnetic decals on my van that say something on them that is deceptive. On both sides and the back. I figure, who would stop a van with those signs on them anyhow?

Sneaky? WHY NOT? THEY continually lie to us and frankly I'm staring to feel it's "us against them". PERIOD. And don't start "Romans 13 nonsense with me!" NOTHING trumps our rights. I'll look a guy in a clown suit in the eye and lie to him till I'm blue in the face if he is trying to ENFORCE an UNLAWFUL UNGODLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAW ON ME! Read Jeff Snyder's book... A Nation Of Cowards...

Subtitle...Essays on the Ethics of Gun Control...this is from one reviewer:

Jeff Snyder's "Nation of Cowards" breaks new ground in the gun control debate. While there have been several fine works exploring aspects such as the historical origins of the Second Amendment, or on the ineffectiveness of gun control laws, "Nation of Cowards" makes the case against gun control from an entirely fresh perspective - ethics.

Snyder makes a persuasive argument that self-defense is a personal responsibility, and that those who rely on the state (or its paid agents) for protection are shirking their ethical duty. Gun control laws are therefore impediments to ethical action by preventing people from utilizing the most effective means of self-defense.

"Nation of Cowards" is a must read for those who have an interest in the gun control debate. But be warned: Reading "Nation of Cowards" may force you to think, and to reconsider the way you look at yourself, government, the law, and their interrelationships.

I'm 50+ and have been carrying concealed for 35 years whenever I feel necessary, WITHOUT some man who works for a "states" permission. IT IS MY RIGHT TO BE ABLE TO PROTECT MYSELF AND NO MAN HAS THE RIGHT TO TELL ME I CAN'T WITHOUT PLACING THEMSELVES IN A STATE OF WAR AGAINST ME. And fact is know that getting a CCW is simply registering yourself as a gun owner which most of you scream to the high heavens against when "they" try to pass a law saying they want you to register your guns. Slaves with guns is not a new concept.

"Any single man must judge for himself whether circumstances warrant obedience or resistance to the commands of the civil magistrate; we are all qualified, entitled, and morally obliged to evaluate the conduct of our rulers. This political judgment, moreover, is not simply or primarily a right, but like self-preservation, a duty to God. As such it is a judgment that men cannot part with according to the God of Nature. It is the first and foremost of our inalienable rights without which we can preserve no other."
– John Locke

What is everyone so afraid of?
Have I made myself clear? Am I radical? So were the Founding Fathers...
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